This is where you get how the housemates nominated their fellow housemates, the daily updates of all the drama, romance, fights and activities of the Big Brother Naija.
We will be updating this post daily with the latest drama so stay tuned as you will get you cup full whenever you visit this page.
Big Brother Naija 2019 Week 14 Nominations (Mon. 30th Sept.)
Big Brother Naija Week 14 Nomination Show
The week 14 nomination challenge of the Big Brother Naija Pepper dem House
This is the final week of the Big Brother Naija Season Reality TV show, normally there shouldn’t be any nomination today but Biggie has told Ultimate Veto Power Holder Frodd that he will wield his power once more this evening.
So how will the nomination process look like? who will Frodd nominate and when will they be evicted? Join us at 7pm W.A.T to day to find the answers to these questions.
Ebuka announced that the Ultimate Veto Power Holder Frodd will evict one housemates today.
At the Live nomination show, Biggie told Frodd that he will use the second part of his veto power privileges and that the top 6 housemates will be reduced to top 5 as there are only 5 final slots.

Biggie told the housemates to go and get there Bet9ja coins and returned to the lounge, he then told them to drop those coins in the magical hat.
Biggie then proceed to tell Frodd that he will choose the next housemate to leave the Big Brother House via a lucky draw. Biggie said Frodd is safe due to the veto power, Seyi is safe because he is the head of house, Mercy is safe cos she bought immunity and Mike is safe cos of the public vote. So its between Omashola and Diane.
Both Omashola and Diane were asked to mark their gold coin and drop it in an empty sac. The housemates whose coin Frodd pick will leave the Big Brother House Immediately.
Frodd picked up Diane gold coin that means she has been evicted from the Big Brother House.
Thus Diane became the 21st housemates to be evicted from the Big Brother House Season 4.

The Big Brother Naija Reality Tv Show Season 4 finalists are
- Mike
- Seyi
- Mercy
- Omashola
- Frodd
Now you have the power to determine who wins the Big Brother Naija Season 4 show. Your vote this week is to determine who wins. The person with the highest votes will win. You can vote by going here, or via the MyDStv App, MyGOtv App or via SMS. Voting closes on Friday 4th October at 21:00 WAT .
The Grand Finale show comes up by 7pm W.A.T on Sunday 6th October 2019.
Big Brother Naija 2019 Week 13 Nominations (Mon. 23rd Sept.)
This is the penultimate week of the Big Brother Naija Season 4 show and today 23rd of September is going to be the last nomination show. The housemates remaining after this coming eviction will most likely remain till the final day baring any strike or new twist from biggie.
Ultimate Veto Power Holder Frodd will have the power to nominate 5 housemates up for possible eviction.
Who are the housemates that you think Frodd will nominate? drop your prediction in the comment box below this post.
How The Housemates Nominated (Mon. 23rd Sept.)
Ike nominated Cindy and Elo
Tacha nominated Cindy and Elo
Elozonam nominated Tacha and Frodd
Frodd nominated Mercy and Mike
Cindy nominated Diane and Ike
Omashola nominated Mercy and Elo
Mike nominated Frodd and Tacha
Diane nominated Mike and Tacha
Seyi nominated Ike and Mercy
Mercy nominated Tacha and Omashola
Who Is Up For Possible Eviction This Week (Week 13 23rd Sept.) In Big Brother Naija?
Cindy, Elozonam, Frodd, Ike, Mercy, Mike, Tacha are the housemates with the highest nominations. But Biggie asked all of them to sit down.
Biggie asked frodd as the Ultimate Veto Power Holder to stand up and nominate 5 housemates in the presence of the house. Biggie told him Mercy purchased immunity and she is therefore safe. Seyi is also safe as the Head of House.
Frodd nominated Tacha, Mike, Ike, Elozonam and Cindy.
Therefore the housemates up for possible eviction come Sunday are:
- Tacha
- Elozonam
- Cindy
- Ike
- Mike

So that is it for today’s nominations. How do you think the houemates that Frodd nominated will react? Drop your thought in the comment box.
Remember that you have the power to keep your favorite Housemate in the house till the Grand Finale by voting for them. You can vote by going here, or via the MyDStv App, MyGOtv App or via SMS. Voting closes on Thursday 26th September at 21:00 WAT
Big Brother Naija 2019 Week 12 Nominations (Mon. 16th Sept.)
The week 12 nominations show of the Big Brother Naija season 4 will begin by 7pm WAT on Monday 16th Sept.
Show host Ebuka had earlier said there wont be eviction this week, so lets see what Biggie has in stock for us.
There will be fake nomination today, so beginning by 7pm housemates will nominate each other thinking its a real nomination.
Elozonam won the Head of House challenge and he will share the Head of House bedroom privileges with Diane.
How The Housemates Nominated (Mon. 16th Sept. Fake Nomination)
Ike nominated Cindy and Frodd
Cindy nominated Diane and Ike
Omashola nominated Mercy and Diane
Diane nominated Mike and Omashola
Mike nominated Diane and Mercy
Tacha nominated Cindy and Mike
Seyi nominated Ike and Mercy
Frodd nominated Cindy and Mercy
Mercy nominated Frodd and Omashola
Elo nominated Frodd and Tacha
Who Is Up For Possible Eviction This Week (Week 12 16th Sept.) In Big Brother Naija?
Remember that today’s nomination is a fake one but the housemates are not aware they believe they are nominating and be nominated for real.
As a result of the fake nominations, the following housemates are the most nominated
- Cindy
- Diane
- Frodd
- Mercy

The Ultimate Veto Power Holder Challenge will be concluded on Sunday, so stay tuned to know what this will entails and what power the winner will have.
Big Brother Naija 2019 Week 11 Nominations (Mon. 9th Sept.)
The week 11 nominations show of the Big Brother Naija season 4 will begin by 7pm WAT on Monday 9th Sept.
Only the Head of House Cindy is immune to nomination, also the Veto Power Holder Omashola has the power to save and replace
How The Housemates Nominated (Mon. 9th Sept.)
Seyi nominated Khafi and Tacha
Diane nominated Omashola and Mike
Frodd nominated Mike and Ike
Tacha nominated Seyi and Mike
Mike nominated Omashola and Tacha
Mercy nominated Omashola and Khafi
Elozonam nominated Frodd and Tacha
Khafi nominated Seyi and Mercy
Omashola nominated Mercy and Tacha
Ike nominated Diane and Khafi
Cindy nominated Diane and Ike
Who Is Up For Possible Eviction This Week (Week 11 9th Sept.) In Big Brother Naija?
Veto Power Holder Omashola saved himself and put Seyi up for eviction. Based on the nominations by the housemates and the save and replace of the Veto power holder, the following housemates are up for possible eviction in the week 11 nomination show of the Big Brother Naija Reality TV Game Show season 4 tagged pepper dem.
- Tacha
- Khafi
- Mike
- Seyi

As always, it is you the fans that have the power to keep your favorite Housemate in the house by voting for them. You can vote by going here, or via the MyDStv App, MyGOtv App or via SMS. Voting closes on Thursday 12th September at 21:00 WAT
Big Brother Naija 2019 Week 10 Nominations (Mon. 2nd Sept.)
The week 10 nominations show of the Big Brother Naija season 4 will begin by 7pm WAT on Monday 2nd Sept.
The fate of the housemates that will be up for possible eviction come next Sunday will be determined.
Remember that the Head of House is Immune to nomination and also the Veto Power Holder have the power to save themselves if they get nominated.
Big Brother has announced that tonight’s nomination will not be a team task instead each housemate will be called to the diary room to nominate two (2) housemates that they want up for possible eviction. Biggies has revert back to the previous procedure for nomination.
How The Housemates Nominated (2nd Sept.)
This is how the Big Brother Naija 2019 housemates nominated for week 10 nominations (2nd Sept.).
Mercy nominated Omashola and Venita
Omashola nominated Elo and Diane
Cindy nominated Diane and Seyi
Elo nominated Seyi and Mike
Tacha nominated Mercy and Frodd
Mike nominated Frodd and Seyi
Khafi nominated Elo and Venita
Frodd nominated Omashola and Elo
Venita nominated Frodd and Khafi
Seyi nominated Mercy and Frodd
Diane nominated Omashola and Venita
Ike nominated Venita and Khafi
Veto Power Holder Seyi saved himself and put up Khafi as his replacement.
Who Is Up For Possible Eviction This Week (Week 10 2nd Sept.) In Big Brother Naija?
Based on the nominations and the save and replace of the Veto power holder, the following housemates are up for possible eviction in the week 10 nomination show of the Big Brother Naija Reality TV Game Show season 4 tagged pepper dem.
- Elo
- Omashola
- Venita
- Frodd
- Khafi

Remember you have the power to keep your favorite Housemate in the house by voting for them. You can vote by going here, or via the MyDStv App, MyGOtv App or via SMS. Voting closes on Thursday 5th September at 21:00 WAT
The Eviction show will come up on Sunday 8th September 2019 and according to Big Brother at least one of the nominated housemates will be evicted.
Big Brother Naija 2019 Week 9 Nominations (Mon. 26th Aug.)
The week 9 nomination challenge of the Big Brother Naija show will begin by 7pm WAT on Monday 26th August.
There will be a fierce battle between the Team Enigma and Team Legends. Remember that all the members of the losing team will be up for possible eviction on Sunday. There are only 2 exception; 1. The Head of House is immune to nomination, 2. The Veto power holder can choose to save any housemate up for eviction.
Remember that the team were re-grouped yesternight, In team Enigma, we have Cindy, Diane, Elozonam, Ike, Mercy, Mike and Seyi. In team Legends, we have Esther, Frodd, Khafi, Omashola, Sir Dee, Tacha and Venita.
The challenge is the cotton ball challenge and 3 representatives from each will participate blindfolded. The team with the highest number of cotton balls in the plate wins.

Who Is Up For Possible Eviction This Week (Week 9) In Big Brother Naija?
At the end of the challenge, members of Team Legends are up for eviction because they lose the challenge.
Veto Power Holder, Ike saved Omashola and replaced him with Cindy.

Therefore the housemates up for possible eviction in the week 9 eviction on Sunday 1st September are:
- Sir Dee
- Esther
- Tacha
- Frodd
- Cindy
- Venita

Remember you have the power to keep your favourite Housemate in the house by voting for them. You can vote by going here, or via the MyDStv App, MyGOtv App or via SMS. Voting closes on Thursday 29th August at 21:00 WAT
The Eviction show will come up on Sunday 1st September 2019 and according to Big Brother at least one of the nominated housemates will be evicted.
Big Brother Naija 2019 Week 8 Nominations (Mon. 19th Aug.)
As usual, the nomination challenge between Team Icon and Team Cruistopia started by 7pm GMT+1. All the members of the losing team will be up for possible eviction next Sunday.
The challenge is for the team members to fill up cups. The team with more cups filled within 5 minutes wins the challenge.

At the end of the challenge, big Brother Ninja confirmed that Team Icon has more volume in their cup and so they are the winner of this week nomination challenge.
Who Is Up For Possible Eviction This Week (Week 8) In Big Brother Naija?
As a result of losing the nomination challenge, all the members of the team Cruistopia are up for possible eviction except the Head of House Esther who is exempted from eviction and Venita who was saved by Veto Power Holder.
Veto Power Holder Elozonam, saved Venita and replaced her with Frodd.
Therefore the housemates up for possible eviction in the week 8 eviction are:
- Mike
- Gedoni
- Diane
- Mercy
- Seyi
- Jackye
- Frodd

You can vote for your favourite Housemate by going here, or via the MyDStv App, MyGOtv App or via SMS. Voting closes on Thursday 22nd August at 21:00 WAT
The Eviction show will come up on Sunday 25th August 2019 and according to Big Brother at least one of the nominated housemates will be evicted.
Big Brother Naija 2019 Week 7 Nominations (Mon. 12th Aug.)
The Nomination challenge for week 7 started by 7pm GMT+1. Remember last week that Big brother said the housemates will undergo nomination challenge as oppose to the normal nominations by housemates.
Team Cruisetopia face-off with team Icons in this week nomination challenge.
Each team must choose 3 representatives to represent them in 2 challenges. The representatives must comprise of both genders. The teams can either choose 2 representative for one challenge and 1 for the other challenge or use their representative to participate in only challenge.
A representative can not participate in the 2 challenge.
Challenge 1 involves inflating balloons and fixing them while challenge 2 involves knitting laces to a pole.
Team Cruisetopia Representatives are: Jackye, Joe and Mike
Jackye and Joe represented the team in the balloon challenge.
Team Icons Representatives are: Omashola, Cindy and Sir Dee
Omashola and Cindy represented the team in the balloon challenge.

At the end of the first challenge team Icons got 9 points while team Cruisetopia got 8 points.
At the end of challenge two, team Icons got 6 points while team Cruisetopia got 7 points.
In total at the end of the 2 nominations challenges team Icons got 15 points while team Cruisetopia got 15 points.
This means there is a tie so each team was asked to present a new representative to take part in either challenge to determine the winner.
Mike and Sir dee were presented and Mike completed his task first.

Who Is Up For Possible Eviction This Week (Week 7) In Big Brother Naija?
AT the end of the tie breaker challenge, Team Cruisetopia won which means they are free from nominations this week.
All members of Team Icons are therefore placed on nominations for possible eviction.
Veto Power Holder Diane, saved Sir Dee and replaced him with Joe.
Based on the nominations challenge and the save and replace explained above, the housemates listed below are up for possible eviction in the week 7 eviction of the Big Brother Naija Reality TV Game Show season 4 tagged pepper dem.
The Eviction show will come up on Sunday 18th August 2019 and at least one of the nominated housemates will be evicted.
- Ike
- Frodd
- Omashola
- Kaffy
- Enkay
- Elo
- Cindy
- Tacha
- Joe
You can vote for your favourite Housemate here, or via the MyDStv App, MyGOtv App or via SMS. Voting closes on Thursday 15th August at 21:00 WAT
Big Brother Naija 2019 Week 6 Nominations (Mon. 5th Aug.)
The week 6 nomination took a new twist as Big brother announced another dimension for the nominations.
Two drums were put down and housemates were asked to picked hand band from the drums according to their gender. Earlier HOH Seyi has specified drum 1 for males and drum 2 for females.
The hands bands were of two colors; Red and Green. Each housemates then lineup according to the color of the hand band they picked.
Two camps were formed based on the hand band colors.
The green camp are called “Cruisetofia” while the red camp called themselves “The Icons”.
Biggie announced that from now henceforth there will be nomination challenge and all the members of the losing teams Will be put up for possible eviction.
How The Housemates Nominated In Week 6
Below is how the housemates picked their hand band color and subsequently their team
Elo picked red
Cindy picked red
Diane picked green
Frodd picked red
Enkay picked red
Gedoni picked green
Esther picked green
Ike picked red
Jackye picked green
Joe picked green
Kaffy picked red
Mike picked green
Mercy picked green
Omashola picked red
Tacha picked red
Seyi picked green
Venita picked green
Sir Dee picked red
Team Red – The Icon
Frodd, Enkay, Elo, Cindy, Khafi, Omashola, Tacha, Ike and Sir Dee
Team Green – Cruisetopia
Mercy, Esther, Veneta, Diane, Gedoni, Josef, Seyi and Jackye, Mike
Who Is Up For Possible Eviction This Week (Week 6) In Big Brother Naija?
All the housemates are safe for this week as the nomination challenge will begin next week and then all the members of the losing camps will be up for possible eviction.
Big Brother Naija 2019 Week 5 Nominations
Its week 5 nomination show this evening. Seven housemates are already evicted so far and some more will likely be evicted on Sunday based on who will be put up for eviction during the nomination show this evening.
How The Housemates Nominated
This is how the Big Brother Naija 2019 housemates nominated for week 5 nominations.
Jeff nominated Tacha and Sir Dee
Mike nominated Seyi and Tacha
Esther nominated Jeff and Omashola
Sir Dee nominated Ike and Omashola
Khafi nominated Jackye and Esther
Tacha nominated Jeff and Gedoni
Diane nominated Jeff and Seyi
Omashola nominated Mike and Ike
Seyi nominated Jeff and Tacha
Mercy nominated Mike and Omashola
Gedoni nominated Mike and Jeff
Ike nominated Jeff and Jackye
Jackye nominated Jeff and Omashola
Frodd nominated Jeff and Sir Dee

Who Is Up For Possible Eviction This Week (Week 5) In Big Brother Naija?
Based on the nominations slated above, the following housemates are up for possible eviction in the week 5 eviction of the Big Brother Naija Reality TV Game Show season 4 tagged pepper dem.
- Jeff
- Omashola
- Mike
- Tacha

You can vote for your favourite Housemate here, or via the MyDStv App, MyGOtv App or via SMS. Voting closes on Thursday 1st August at 21:00 WAT.
Big Brother Naija 2019 Week 4 Nominations
All the housemates have been put up for possible eviction this week by Big Brother. So now is the time to save your favorite housemates if you want to keep them in the house.
To vote for your favorite housemates you can use here, via the MyDStv App, via the MyGOtv App or via SMS. Voting closes on Thursday 18 July at 21:00 WAT.

Big Brother Naija 2019 Week 3 Nominations
It was a very nervous and interesting Monday evening as the housemates were invited to the diary room to nominate their fellow housemates for possible eviction.
The nominations is something that most of the housemates are nervous about cos they don’t want to see themselves or the fellow housemates they are bonding with to be up for eviction and also they don’t want to be the person that will nominate the housemate that will be eventually evicted.
See below to know how the housemates nominated
How The Housemates Nominated
This is how the Big Borther Naija 2019 housemates nominated for week 3 nominations.
Seyi nominated Frodd and Tuoyo
Mike nominated Seyi and Tacha
Tuoyo nominated Jeff and Mike
Tacha nominated Frodd and Gedoni
Esther nominated Mike and Jeff
Khafi nominated Seyi and Thelma
Gedoni nominated Mike and Tuoyo
Frodd nominated Omashola and Tuoyo
Sir Dee nominated Jackye and Frodd
Ike nominated Seyi and Frodd
Thelma nominated Frodd and Tacha
Jeff nominated Seyi and Tuoyo
Diane nominated Seyi and Mike
Jackye nominated Tacha and Tuoyo
Mercy nominated Frodd and Mike
Nelson nominated Gedoni and Seyi
Omashola nominated Tacha and Frodd
Watch the video below to see how they nominated
Who Is Up For Possible Eviction This Week In Big Brother Naija?
Based on the nominations slated above, the following housemates are up for possible eviction this week, week 3 in the Big Brother Naija Reality TV Game Show.
- Seyi
- Mike
- Frodd
- Tuoyo
- Tacha

Vote for your favourite Housemate here, via the MyDStv App, via the MyGOtv App or via SMS. Voting closes on Thursday 11 July at 21:00 WAT. Big Brother Naija is sponsored by Bet9ja, and is available on all DStv packages, and on GOtv Max and GOtv Plus. You can also watch it on DStvNow App.
Seyi Decided Not To Use His Veto Power
As the Veto Power Holder and being in the Nomination list, Seyi has the power to replace himself with any other Housemates. But to the surprise of even his fellow Housemates, Seyi refused to use his power, when asked by Biggie who he is saving and replacing he said “I decline”. With this the atmosphere became charged. Then Biggie announced that the following were hereby up for Eviction: Seyi, Mike, Frodd, Tuoyo and Tacha. Is this selflessness or stupidity? Will he regret this decision later on? Let’s wait and see.

The Big Brother Naija season 4 started on 30th June 2019 by 7pm WAT and this time it is taking place in Nigeria.
Big Brother Naija 2019 Winner To Take Home N60M Prize
The organizers of the popular TV reality show Big Brother Naija has announced that the winner of its new season BBNaija 2019 will get a total prize worth N60million.
The winner of the season 4 reality show will get N30m cash prize and other exciting prizes amounting toN30m also thereby making the total prize worth N60million.
The organizer Multichoice, made the disclosure in a statement by its Chief Executive Officer, John Ugbe on Sunday.
Mr. Ugbe said “The winner of season four will walk away from the house with a N30m cash prize and a top of the range SUV among many other exciting prizes”.
The full list of the exciting prizes are: Cash prize of N30m, a top range SUV by Innoson Motors, a trip to Dubai, a bonus prize of two VIP Tickets to watch a European Football final game LIVE, courtesy BET9ja, a brand new Oppo smartphone, a year’s supply of Indomie noodles and Munch it, a home make-over and a year’s supply of Pepsi and One Africa Fest VVIP experience.
The 2018 edition of BBNaija was won by Miracle Ikechukwu Igbokwe. He walked away with the sum of N45m worth of prizes which was an increment from what Efe Ejeba got when he won the 2017 edition. Efe was rewarded with N25 million cash prize and an SUV worth N5million.
ike and mercy
Comment Text* tacha tacha tacha
I Vote For, Frodd
I vote for Frodd
well good
I feel Frood will nominate as follows:- 1. Diane. 2. Cindy 3. Elozona. 4. Mercy. 5. Ike. If big brother asks him to swap Mercy then he will pick Mike as replacement.
seyi my man
seyi my man tell 99 days
Comment Text*Cindy, Mercy. Mike, Ike, Elo
Team Mercy all the way
team seyi all the way
Seyi my man nd sugar daddy