Episode 21

? Winters high
* Brandon lounge.
” Unbelievable bro, you did that without thinking twice ” Bella said, sitting down close to Brandon, Brandon pushed him slightly and he fall off the couch.
” What the fk ” Bella asked getting angry.
” Sorry mehn, but you deserve it ” Brandon smile.
” Fk you ” Bella said.
* I love you bro ” Brandon said and Bella gave him a glare.
” Eiish, do I look like a lady to you ? ” Bella asked making glossy faces.
” Maybe he want to practice homo ” Edward laugh and Brandon threw a pillow at him.
” Fk you Edward ” Brandon said.
” But seriously, I think you have a soft spot for this crazy girl ” Edward said.
” A Play boy in love ” Bella laugh.
” I am not in love ok ba$tard ” Brandon frown.
” What ever , I need to see someone now ” Bella said and stood.
” Just now, we are having games ” Edward said.
” I know fk you Brandon ” Bella said and left.
” What if you got stabbed in the stomach ? ” Edward asked.
” Luckily, I am not , I dunno mehn, I just keep seeing her face ” Brandon said ruffling his hair.
” You will soon figure it out mehn ” Edward said and left.
” What did he mean by that ? ” Brandon asked no one in particular.
” Ion confused dmn “.
* Junior class.
” You are crazy baby ” Lisa said, laughing at the joke Jasmine crack.
” girls ” Selene called coming to join them.
” Hey baby, you are looking so cute ” Jasmine said touching her hair, making selene to blush.
” Thanks baby, all of you are looking stunning ” Selene said.
” Awwn , so sweet ” Lisa said face palming herself.
” Silly ” Andy said.
Michael came into the class , he went straight to his sit and took his bag pack and rush out.
” I am coming ” Selene said and follow Micheal.
” What is up with her ” Camella asked.
” I dunno, but I think that bch is following Michael ” Susie.
” Bch “.
Shelton and Jenny came to school at the same time, they parked their car and got down.
Shelton walked and pass Jenny like she doesn’t exist, and somehow Jenny felt bad.
” Did he just snub me, why am I even bothered, it is not like I really care ” Jenny said and walked to her class.
immediately she step into the class, her eyes sighted Jasmine and her hatred enraged the more, he gave her a wicked smirk and went to her sit, the guys can’t stop drooling.
? The queen is here
? Look at that bum mehn
? I wish I can fk her
? Rocking that is an opportunity mehn.
She ignore the guys and sat down with a straight face.
” Hi cutie ” Susie said.
” What’s up baby? ” Camella asked.
” I caught Brandon and Jasmine kssing ” Jenny said.
A gasped escape both Susie and Camella mouth.
” But they hate each other right ” Susie asked not sure of what she just heard.
” haven’t you heard of two enemies becoming lovers ” Camella replied.
” She doesn’t know what is coming her way, no one mess with what is mine, Brandon is mine alone ” Jenny said with a evil smirk.
* Library.
Michael just got into the library, he find a nice place and sat down, he didn’t know Selene is following him.
He took out his Novel and started reading it ” The dark misery “.
Selene got in the library too, she saw him reading and her heart jump with joy.
She walk to where he is reading and sat beside him.
” Hi mich ” Selene in sweet tiny voice, flashing him a cute smile.
Michael slowly turned and face her.
” Hey cutie ” Michael replied.
Selene blush and look away.
” blushing again, it make you more cute ” Michael said.
Selene become flattered, she wanted to say something but her words got stuck up in her throat.
” How are you ? ” Michael asked seeing her nervousness.
” I am fine, why didn’t you come to school ? ” Selene asked.
” You miss me right ? ” Michael asked.
Selene look at him and look away, right now her heart is palpating.
” Yeah, uhh, no, I just miss you coz I wasn’t able to read when you weren’t around ” Selene replied fidgeting with her hands trying to hide her nervousness.
” I wasn’t too good ” Michael said.
” Huh, sorry how are you now, you are okay right ” Selene said with concern.
Michael just smile within him.
” I am okay now, Selene ” Michael called.
” Yes “
” What about our date ? ” Michael asked looking at her.
” What if we go out today ” Selene smile.
” Really ? ” Michael asked happily.
” Yeah “.
” Thank you so much Selene ” Michael said.
” Let’s read ” Selene said.
” Okay ” Michael said and draw out a book and gave her .
* An hour later.
” Gosh mich, I am tired ” Selene said tiredly.
She got no response, she turned and saw Michael sleeping on his books.
His so calm and handsome while sleeping, Selene can’t help it but stare at his cute face.
She felt the urge to touch him, she slowly scooted close to him and she slowly touch his face, she felt chill down her spine immediately she did that, she kept rubbing her hand on his face.
” He is so handsome and perfect, I love you Mich ” Selene said in her mind.
Jasmine, selene, Lisa and Andy had just change into their game outfit.
” wow, that look good on you Jas baby ” Lisa said.
” Andy what was Bella saying to you ? ” Jasmine asked.
” None of your business b*tch ” Andy said rolling her eyes.
” fk you ” Jasmine said.
” Let’s go girls ” Selene said and started pulling the girls out.
All the students went to the game field.
There are many games to be played.
Basketball, football, skilling, hand ball and the rest.
Selene and her friends got there at same time with Jenny and her minions.
She exchange hateful glares with Jasmine and walk away.
” Bch ” Jasmine said.
? Wow, the lord is here.
? I am already fainting.
? He is dripping hot.
? How can he be this handsome.
? Bella is more handsome, I love him.
? I love the way Edward chew his gum, he is so hot.
The girls kept screaming until Brandon got there with Edward and Bella.
his eyes met with Jasmine and she look away shly.
Jenny noticed that and boil with anger as jealousy.
” He should be looking at me and not you ” Jenny said in her mind.
” Time to start the games ” The master for games shouted.
The students divided, everyone choosing his best game.
Brandon came there just to watch with his friends.
” Let’s play basketball girls ” Jasmine yell.
She turn and her eyes met with Brandon, Brandon gave her a smile and she gave him a middle finger.
” Fk you “.
” Ok, girls, get on it ” Selene said.
They are divided into two teams.
Jenny and her minions are on the opposite side.
The game started, Jasmine team started dominating already, Jenny didn’t find this pleasing to her, thirty minutes into the game, Jasmine team is winning, an evil thought popped into Jenny head.
She took the ball and aim at Jasmine who is coming her way, she speed intentionally to bump into her to make it look like it is a mistake, like a slow mo, Brandon saw this, without thinking twice, he ran to where Jasmine is coming
” Jasmine watch out ” Lisa yelled.
Before Jasmine will realize what is happening, Brandon came in between them, Jenny tried to dodge him but it is too late, she bump into him so hard making him to fall so hard on the floor.
” Brandon ” Jasmine scream.
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By Terri Savage
Episode 22
“Brandon ” Jasmine scream.
Brandon is bleeding heavily, he held his arm groaning in pain.
Every activity going stop immediately that happen, Everyone attention is now where Brandon is lying.
Jasmine heart is hurt, seeing Brandon in pain break her heart to pieces, she is at the verge of breaking down anytime soon.
She rush and sat close to him, he look at her and smile.
Jenny regretted what she did, she didn’t mean to hurt him, she is not hurt but she is in shock, she felt like the ground should open up and swallow, she can’t believe she hurt the only guy she so much love.
Someone pulled Jenny from behind, she turned and the next thing, she received a dirty $lap, Lisa actually $lap her making sure she left her five finger print on her face.
Jenny gasped, that come as a surprise, she didn’t expect it.
* You bch.
” You did that on purpose, I saw you trying to hurt Jasmine before Brandon save her ” Lisa yelled.
“What ! What… are you trying to say, I didn’t try to hurt her ” Jenny said innocently.
“Just shut it already, I know you did it intentionally, but for what reason huh ” Lisa replied giving scornful looks.
” Stop blaming me, I did nothing wrong, it was just a mistake ” Jenny said.
” Mistake huh ” Selene said and raise her hand to $lap her but Brandon stop, Jasmine and Bella help him up, his shirt is stained already, the wound is tempered with.
” Just leave her ” Brandon said slowly.
Jenny walked to Brandon and tried touching him but Brandon gave a glare and she stop.
” Let me take you to the school clinic please ” Jenny said.
” Don’t let you filthy hands touch me, you have just given me a reason to hate you Jenny ” Brandon replied.
” let’s take you to the school clinic ” Jasmine replied holding him, her hands on his body feel so good.
” sure ” Brandon nodded.
Jasmine gave Jenny a bad look before leaving with Brandon
” Listen wh*re, the next time you try to hurt any of my friends, you will know see the crazy side of me ” Selene said and left with Andy and Lisa.
” Hating Jasmine will do you no good bch ” Edward hissed and left together together with Bella who gave Jenny a somehow look.
” I didn’t do anything wrong ” Jenny shouted and ran to the class.
” She need us right now ” Camella said and left with Susie.
** School clinic.
” Easy, ahhh ” Brandon wince as methylated spirit is being applied on the wound to disinfect it.
Jasmine can’t help it but laugh.
” Why are you laughing miss crazy ? ” Brandon asked hissing.
” You are wincing like a baby, the whole Brandon is scared of methylated spirit ” Jasmine replied.
” isn’t funny crazy girl ” Brandon said.
Jasmine took out her phone and started video recording him, without his consent.
The medical assistant brought in tray after bandaging his arm, he took out a string and needle, the look on Brandon shows he is scared of the needle.
” Are you going to use that on me ? ” Brandon asked shaking in fear.
” Yes, it will help in healing the wound so fast ” The medical assistant replied.
” Oh God I hate it when my skin is puncture, this is all because of you, I should have just let Jenny hit you , you are not helping matters ” Brandon yelled.
” Sorry Samaritan, be strong baby ” Jasmine pouted.
Brandon found that side which Jasmine said ” baby” , it sound good to him, he smiled before putting up a straight face.
” Crazy, I am not a baby ” Brandon snapped.
” be calm, I am injecting you now ” The medical assistant said.
” Ahhh, God ” Brandon cried out like a baby, as the needle penetrate his skin.
” You will come here to receive the final dose ” The medical assistant said.
” Fk ” Brandon mumbled.
Jasmine stop recording him and save the video on her phone.
” You look more cute when you were crying like a baby je.rk ” Jasmine said making cute faces at him.
” I hate you crazy ” Brandon said and got down from the bed and wore another shirt, he started leaving, Jasmine follow him out and stop.
” Brandon ” Jasmine called.
” What ? ” Brandon asked without turning.
Jasmine walked close to him and stood at his back, she is feeling nervous.
” What ! ” Brandon said turning.
” I want to ask you this ” Jasmine said calmly.
Brandon can’t understand why she is become calm all of a sudden.
” What is it ? ” Brandon replied.
” Did you really hate me ” Jasmine asked avoiding his eyes.
Brandon is somehow confused, he didn’t know what exactly to say, did he really hate her, if he hate her why did he kept saving her without thinking twice.
The moment become awkward, Brandon is starring at her without knowing what exactly to say.
” Yeah, I hate you a lot ” Brandon replied.
” If you really hate me… then why did you keep saving me all the times? ” Jasmine asked starring directly at him.
Brandon eyes widened, she is making it hard for him to answer.
” I don’t know why I keep saving you, I just dunno, I feel bad anytime i see you getting in trouble, I dunno why ” Brandon replied with sincerety.
” Ok, thank you for saving me again ” Jasmine said and turned to leave.
” Jasmine ” Brandon called.
” What ” Jasmine said, turning.
” Can we be best friends and stop hating each other ” Brandon asked with concern.
He can’t keep hating her, coz he doesn’t think he hate her, she is lively to be with, her crazy side is unique, no girl hasn’t make him feel this vibe , he felt anytime he is close to her.
Jasmine gasped, that came as a surprise.
” You want us to be best friends ” Jasmine asked not believing that Brandon said that.
” Come on Jasmine, let’s end this feud between us please ” Brandon said calmly looking away.
” Huh, I hate you and I can’t be friends with you, get that j.erk ” Jasmine said, smiling.
” You look cute when you smile ” Brandon said.
Jasmine blush but hide it so Brandon can’t see she blush.
” My answer is still no, I can’t befriend a stupid, arrogant, rude and proud j.erk ” Jasmine said.
” Ok, whatever , suit yourself ” Brandon said getting angry already.
He left without sparing a glance at Jasmine.
” Huh, did he just left angrily, I was only teasing, he take things too serious ” Jasmine said with a babyish pout.
” What ever je.rk, I hate you ” Jasmine mumbled.
Brandon somehow felt hurt she reject to be his friend, this is this first time a lady will reject him, it is not like he is asking her out but he just felt like been her friend.
Jenny is coming the same way, she saw him and walk slowly to where he is coming.
Brandon saw her but pay no attention to her, he tried to pass but Jenny blocked his way.
” Get out of my way now Jenny ” Brandon said getting more angry.
” Brandon, I am sorry for hurting you, it wasn’t intentional please, I love you ” Jenny said in a soft voice.
Brandon tried to take right but Jenny blocked him, he tried left she blocked his left too.
Brandon turned to leave but Jenny pulled him back by the arm and pulled him into a hug.
His eyes widened.
” Brandon please love me back, I can’t leave without you, I miss you, I miss you thing , I miss everyth… ” Jenny words got interrupted by Brandon, he pushed her away from his body, she fell on the floor.
” I will never love you, I only fk you Jenny, you are obsessed with me, it is not love, kill every feeling you have for me coz I can’t love any girl, you are the least of them, just fk off ” Brandon said and leave with out sparing her a glance.
” Gosh, Jasmine, this is all your fault, he no longer f*ck me, I hate you Jasmine ” Jenny said in tears.
She is still crying when she sighted Shelton coming her way, she expected him to talk to her or disturb her as before but Shelton just pass like she doesn’t exist, he snubbed her, Jenny felt more hurt.
” Did he just snub me again, why does it hurt, I don’t love him, so it shouldn’t bother me”
** Junior class.
” This will be a group assignment ” The teacher said after his class.
” You will paired yourselves up, four per group, give the names to the class leader bye class ” The teacher said and left.
” We are already paired girls ” Selene shouted attracting everyone attention.
” Bch ” Camella hissed.
” Our leader will be Jasmine ” Lisa chipped.
They observe Jasmine is silent, she is not partaking in their discussion.
” Jasmine ” Selene called bring her back to reality.
” Huh, yes ” Jasmine replied awkwardly.
” What are you thinking about ? ” Andy asked, winking at her.
” Nothing girls, stop giving me that look, Brandon asked me to his friend ” Jasmine replied.
” Wow ” Lisa shouted but Andy block her mouth.
” So stop being crazy , girl ” Andy said.
” What did you say ? ” Selene asked.
” I said no ” Jasmine replied.
” Why ” Lisa pouted.
” I don’t just want to be his friend, I can’t befriend a playboy ” Jasmine said.
She is just trying to be stubborn, sh know herself, she want to be his friend.
” I think you two should get along, Brandon isn’t that bad as you think ” Selene said.
” What of the assignment ” Jasmine said avoiding the earlier discussion, coz her heart is palpating now.
” You are our leader ” Selene said.
” Ok, from now on, you girls will start calling me master Jasmine ” Jasmine said and lay her head on Lisa arm.
” Okay Master pizza girl, ouch ” Lisa wince as Jasmine hit her hard.
” Crazy bch ” They chorused.
” I am going out on a date with Michael girls ” Selene said happily, making cute faces.
” That is my baby, ” Andy said.
” Enjoy my dear, i can’t wait to hear the full gist after ” Jasmine said.
** School blog.
The news of Brandon saving Jasmine is just uploaded on the school blog, one thing with Winters high students is they are so good in carry gist around.
The pictures and the video is also uploaded.
Everybody is laughing at Jenny, the news is all over the school, every students is talking about it, this are the kind of news they like to gist about.
** Senior class
* Mehn, you were wincing like a baby ” Bella said and Brandon gave him a pun¢h.
” Ouch, mehn, I was just joking around with you ” Bella said.
” Fk you ” Brandon said.
” You hate her but you keep saving her, I am just confused by this whole thing Brandon ” Edward said, turning to face him.
” I’m confused too Eddy ” Brandon said looking confused.
” Edward mehn ” Edward corrected.
” The girls you fk are gossiping about you mehn ” Bella whisper to Brandon.
Brandon gave * I don’t care look *.
” They can gossip, it is none of my business ” Brandon said with a frown.
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Episode 23
** The Airport **
Mia just step out of the plane, she is looking so sassy, cute and adorable.
her expensive heels making clicking noise as she walk down the stairs.
She exhaled and smile, she has missed this place.
Her bags and everything belonging to her is with her guard, her father sent a convoy to pick her up.
She walked to where the car is parked and sighed.
” Welcome miss, you father said i should drive you home ” Marcus said.
” is that how you greet your boss daughter ? ” Mia asked giving him mean look.
” I don’t understand miss ” Marcus replied, wondering what he offense is.
” This will help you to understand lowlife Ba$tard ” Mia said and gave Marcus a resounding $lap on his face.
The guards gasped but none of them dare say a word.
” When you are greeting your boss daughter, you bow and greet fool ” Mia said proudly.
” Sorry miss, forgive my manners ” Marcus said with a bow.
” Good boy , now take me home ” Mia said.
Marcus open the car door for her and she got in smirking, she is happy when she bully someone, it gives her Joy.
Marcus got her home, he got down and open the car door for her and bow.
Mia got and walked to the mansion.
All the female and male workers , came out greeting her respectfully, she just ignore them and went inside.
” Wow, finally I am back to Hollywood, I am gonna rock Hollywood baby ” Mia said and fell on the sofa.
Her bags are brought in, she order the guard to take it up to her room.
Selene is dressed up, she dress to kill she is looking hot, she dress to impress Michael.
Her phone beep, she check it and it is a message from Michael.
Michael send it with cute emojis, Selene read it and blush.
She took her phone and rush down stairs.
” Where are you going to kid sis ? ” Brandon asked coming out from the kitchen.
” I am going on a date ” Selene replied.
” With who ? ” Brandon asked.
” None of your business dummy bye ” Selene said and rush out.
Brandon smile.
” When did she started going out on a date ” Brandon muttered.
She got outside and saw Michael, he is in a casual clothes, but he is looking so hot, his pink lips are so tempting.
Michael got struck by her beauty, he gulp down nothing, she is looking so cute, it is like he is seeing her for the first time.
Selene stood there staring at him, as he drool on her, she become nervous and call him.
” Michael, you look so handsome ” Selene said.
” You look so hot and cute ” Michael said and she blush.
” Shall we ? ” Michael asked.
” Sure “.
They both got in the car and drove out of the mansion.
Michael came out of the car with Selene they stuck hands first before facing the crowd.
They came to the game park, it a yearly fest, owned by one of the richest business man in town.
” Shall we ? * Michael said.
” Of course , sure ” Selene replied and they both rushed into the place.
? Look it is Brandon sister.
? Is that her boyfriend
? She is so cute
? They match together.
? The guy is so cute
” Being a sister to a celebrity is not easy right ?, let’s go deeper ” Michael said and held her hand.
Selene blushed and followed.
They started the fun by riding the kid rides , the vomitter and merry -go-round before going for the horse ride.
” Hold me tight so you won’t fall ” Michael said when she settled beside him on the horse.
Selene slowly held his tummy and he started the race.
” I love this mich, it is so much fun ” Selene scream and Michael laugh.
” I told you you will like it.
Right now she is nothing thinking of anything, she is just so happy.
” Thanks Mich ” Selene said.
” For what ? ” Michael said.
” For taking me out today ” Selene replied.
Michael smile.
” Thank you too for allowing me to take you out ” Michael said.
Selene can feel heart racing against his back, Michael felt it too.
They finish the horse riding and went for snacks, they ate a lot before leaving the stand.
They heard noise coming from an opposite direction, they look closer and it is an ongoing competition.
The price is extremely beautiful and costly diamond chain .
The winner will have to run and finish first before getting the price.
” I want that diamond chain, it looks so beautiful ” Selene said sadly.
” I can get it for you ” Michael said.
” How ? You can’t ” Selene said.
” Just watch, come with me ” Michael said and held her hand.
One contestants is missing , there are five contestants already.
” I wanna join ” Michael shouted.
” Okay, six contestants, it is complete now, get ready ” The director said.
” don’t worry ” Micheal said and give her a reassuring smile.
” one, two, three, go ” The director said.
Michael started running so fast, three guys are behind him.
” Faster Mich ” Selene shouted.
He added his pace and ran past the second guy.
” Contestant number 5 and 6 are getting close.
” You can do it mich, faster ” She shouted.
Determine to win, Michael ran more faster and pass the first guy, he took three more steps and yes he won.
” Yes ” Selene shouted and jump on him, he is sweating lightly, their hearts stayed racing against each other.
” Contestant number 6 won ” The director said loudly.
Michael smile at her.
” One final task, you must kss your girlfriend to claim the prize ” The director said loudly.
” What ” Both of them gasped.
Selene slightly bit on her lips.
” we aren’t couples ” Michael said.
” No kss, no diamond chain ” The director said.
” Fk ” Michael muttered.
He turned Selene around and held her waist.
Selene eyes widened, her heart is racing like crazy.
” I am sorry for doing this selene, but our efforts can’t go to waste, just take it as nothing happen ok ” Michael said, even though in his mind he want this, but he is nervous of Selene reaction.
” Sure ” Selene nodded, her heart is beating again her ribcage, she actually want this, to know how his lips will taste like.
She closed her eyes waiting for his lips to capture hers.
He crashed his lips on her and Selene almost go crazy, her eyes almost pop out
of their sockets.
*Michael* ” She m*an inwardly.
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By Terri Savage
Episode 24
The crowd are still shouting as the competition director hand over the diamond chain to Micheal.
” We got it Selene, have it ” Michael said as he hand over the diamond chain to selene.
” I got it, it is so beautiful ” Selene said smiling shilliy and admiring it.
” Yeah, you did it, you both will make a good couple ” The director said and smiled before leaving.
” Let’s go selene ” Michael said and led the way out of the place.
Pictures has been snapped already and it will surely circulate the internet.
People like spreading gist a lot.
They got back to the car and entered, it became awkward as none of them is talking
They look at each other and when their eyes met, they look away.
” I am sorry for what happen over there, take it as nothing happen, I couldn’t watch our efforts go to waste, so let’s maintain the normalcy ” Michael said.
” Oh.. Ok, it is nothing, let’s maintain the normalcy ” Selene replied.
” We are cool right ” Michael said.
” Yeah ” Selene replied nodding.
He started the drive though Selene found it hard to stop stealing glances at him and when her eyes caught his lips, she almost can’t believe she has been kssed by that same lips.
She didn’t know how sweet his lips are till now and she can’t take that scene off her head.
He got to her house and she came out of the car holding the diamond chain so dearly .
” See you in school tomorrow ” Selene waved and he waved back with a cute smile before driving off.
She smiled and went in.
” Wow, who was that ? ” Brandon asked her as she got in, he had saw them through the window.
” None of your business dummy ” Selene replied, rolling her eyes.
” How was your date ? ” Brandon asked eating an apple.
” Who told you I went out on a date ” selene replied.
” You forgot so soon sis, you told me yourself ” Brandon said.
” Whatever ” Selene replied.
” I know already, you don’t need to tell me before I will know, I saw him drop you, you have gotten a boyfriend huh ” Brandon said as he picked another apple.
” Still not your business ” Selene replied, blushing as she talked.
Brandon saw how she is blushing and he chuckled.
” You are blushing sis ” Brandon said as he laugh.
” I didn’t blush dummy ” Selene replied, she started admiring the Diamond chain again, the fact that Micheal won it for her make her feel so special and happy.
She is smiling sheepishly as she rubbed on it.
Brandon saw the diamond chain in her, he then moved close to her and took it away from her, that brought her back to earth.
” What ! Give it back ” Selene said.
” Who gave it to you ? ” Brandon asked hiding it as his back.
” I don’t wanna get angry now Brandon, give it back ” Selene replied, smiling.
” It is cute, can you give it to me as a gift ? ” Brandon said.
” No, it is special, I will get you another one big bro ” Selene pouted.
” Okay, lover girl ” Brandon said as he hand over the diamond chain back to her.
” Huh ? ” Selene mumbled.
” I will soon find out the guy you went on a date with ” Brandon said, as he went to the kitchen to get more apples.
” Whatever ” Selene replied and ascended the stairs to her room.
Brandon just shook his head and laugh.
” Yeah, I rejected to be his friend ” Jasmine said, she is discussing with Naomi.
” Your enemy is asking to be your friend, well I think you should give it a try ” Naomi replied, arranging some packages.
” You think so, I wanted to accept it but my proud self won’t let me to do so ” Jasmine said pouting.
” You like him right ? ” Naomi asked winking at her.
” I dunno, but I keep seeing him in my memories, even when I dreamt I dream of him, I suddenly develop this urge to see him every time, my heart beat so fast when I am close to him, I am confused girl ” Jasmine replied facing down.
” You are in love with him, but you didn’t realize it, your hatred for him is blocking you from knowing your feelings ” Naomi said with seriousness.
” You are joking ” Jasmine replied with a surprise look.
” I am not , with what you say you feel when you are close to him tells it all, that is how your heart behave when you’re in love, I had experience it before bestie, I am f*cking serious ” Naomi said and Jasmine went mute.
She can swear Noami isn’t joking, she is damn serious, how can she fell for Brandon.
” You may not accept it now but a time will come when you will confess it yourself baby ” Naomi said as she stroked his hair.
” Oh my God ” Jasmine heaved.
” I think I am falling for someone again ” Naomi said and Jasmine look at her.
” Who ? ” Jasmine asked.
” The guy who saved me ” Naomi said, smiling.
” Oh, so fast, it is barely a week baby ” Jasmine replied.
” I know but you can’t make decision for your heart, yunno he is so stubborn, he almost make me to faint today, I woke up late, I was rushing not to be late, I got dressed and came out, I saw him outside leaning by his car, he is so cute ” Naomi said blushing.
” Blushing bch ” Jasmine hissed.
” I don’t want to make the same mistake I made the first time, I want to know if he is for real ” Naomi said.
” Okay baby, I need to go home now ” Jasmine said.
” Okay baby, I still need to put things in place ” Naomi said and stood.
” Love you ” Jasmine said and peck her right cheek.
” I hate peck baby ” Naomi said making cute faces.
” Should I kss you then ” Jasmine replied.
” Crazy, get going ” Naomi said.
” bye ” Jasmine yelled before leaving.
” You are crazy ” Naomi mumbled.
** Thirty minutes.
Naomi got outside the shop, she is closing, she started walking around to get a car.
A car pulled and stop in her front, she doesn’t need anybody to tell her, it is Shelton.
He got down and waved at her.
” Hi pretty, you are going home ? ” Shelton asked coming close to her.
Naomi maintain a stern face as she gave him no response.
” What are you doing here ? ” She asked.
” To pick you up, it is quite dangerous for a lady to be moving around in the night ” Shelton replied sweetly.
” I appreciate your kind gesture, but I don’t f*cking need it ” Naomi said, almost yelling.
” Stop being stubborn pretty, I’m just trying to help, come on ” Shelton replied.
” I’m old enough to look after myself, so take your car and go home ” Naomi said and started leaving, she know she is happy to see him, but she can’t get him know she is way easy to get acquainted with.
Shelton wasted no time in running after her, he catch up with her and he pulled her by the arm, she loses balance and fall on him.
She look up and stare at him, his eyes is full of perfection, care, affection and concern, she almost got lost staring at him.
Shelton heart is racing so fast, that Naomi felt it.
He slowly held her arm and look at her like to pour out his affection.
” Look Naomi, I know you don’t like me , I am so sorry for disturbing you, since you don’t need me around you, I will respect your decision and I will stay away from you, but just know that I like you ” Shelton said sadly and release his hand from her arm.
He turned and walked back to his car, he started the drive and zoom off.
Naomi stood on her spot, trying to process what just happened, she can’t believe she hurt him with her actions.
” What was I even thinking in the first place , Gosh ” Naomi said sadly.
Jasmine got home and saw her mum sleeping on the couch again.
” Mum ” She call as she rush to hug her.
” Baby, you are back ? ” Mabel asked still feeling sleepy.
” Yeah, don’t you get tired sleeping here all the time ? ” Jasmine asked settling beside her.
” I need to see my baby before I will go to my room cutie ” Mabel said and pinch her cheeks.
” Awnn ” Jasmine said in a babyish voice.
” I was able to raise 500 dollars today ” Mabel said.
Jasmine eyes widened and her jaw drop in surprise.
” How mum ” She said surprisingly
” I sold the pancakes all ” Mabel said.
” Wow, that is great momma ” Jasmine gushed.
” Your food is in the kitchen ” Mabel said.
Jasmine stood up and peck her before leaving for her room.
She ate her food after she had her bathe, Mabel is sleeping already.
Jasmine got in bed and started thinking about what Naomi said.
She kept tossing on the bed, it is way too big to be true, she is just confused about the whole thing, it is making no sense to her, she is saying the other thing, her heart is wanting Brandon.
” I will soon figure it out ” Jasmine heaved.
” This can’t be happening ??.
* Naomi place.
She kept roaming around her room, she can’t sleep with the fact that she hurt Shelton.
Naomi kept pondering as she roamed endlessly in her room, pacing around.
” Gosh, I’m going crazy “.
” Yeah, crazily in love ” Her subconscious mind said and she sighed.
” This can’t be happening.. No!!! ” Naomi yelled angrily and sat on the bed.
* Shelton Place
Shelton is sitting on a chair in his room with his head in his palm, he is pondering about the decision he made earlier.
He wasn’t thinking straight when he said that.
The decision he took isn’t right, there must be a reason why she is avoiding him, she just got betrayed in her relationship, she can’t be so fast to give in into another guy.
” I am missing her already, I have grown fond of her , I can’t stay away from her, I can’t ” Shelton said.
” I won’t give up on Naomi, she is way better than Jenny ” Shelton said and sighed.
* Johnson mansion.
Selene is roaming around her room with her hands folded on her chest.
She can’t believe she kssed Micheal, it was heavenly.
She roamed endlessly smiling foolishly, she touch her lip and wish to kss him again.
She can’t sleep as the she kept seeing the picture of them kssing.
” His lips taste like honey, even more than honey, no taste can be compared to his lips, Michael please love me back, I am going crazy now ” Selene said still touching her lips.
” I can’t wait to have a boyfriend, mich I love you so much, I can’t wait when you will you will fall for me too, I will make sure you love me back ” Selene said and fell heavily on the bed.
” I love you Mich ” She said and drifted to sleep.
*Mean while, not only selene is passing through this, Michael too is finding it hard to sleep, selene is the only thing he is seeing, the kss they shared even though it was brief, it still means a lot to him.
” I can’t wait to have you as my girlfriend Selene, if someday you become mine, I will treat you with so much love ” Michael said.
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Episode 25
* A club house.
Jenny drove to the club house furiously, she is still hurt and angry at what Brandon did to her earlier.
” I hate Jasmine Silva, she cause everything ” Jenny said, yelling.
She got at the clubhouse and sat at the front of the bartender.
” Give me McDowell ” Jenny said.
The bartender look at her confusedly, observing her mood he knew she is not fine.
” Stop looking at me and give me my order ” Jenny yelled at him.
Jenny took the bottle and started gulping the content down her throat.
she started feeling dizzy, but kept drinking it.
A guy came to sit beside her, looking at the person, she saw it is a strange guy.
” Who are you? and what are you doing here ” Jenny asked drunkenly.
” You don’t look good, something is bothering you ” The guy asked.
” Mind your business fool ” She yelled and stood up and throw money at the bartender , she began staggering outside.
The guy stood up and followed her out, he saw her struggling to open her car door.
He then moved to her and pulled her around.
” I told you to stay away didn’t I ? Get out ” Jenny said and the guy held her, she began wiggling but the guy held her bbs and began smooching them, taking advantage of her drunk state.
Jenny started m*aning , giving in to him.
” Ahh” Jenny m*an.
And he had her right there in the car.
Jenny woke up with her head pounding so bad, she remembered she had sx with a random guy yesterday in her car.
She slowly sat up and went to her drawer, she took out some pain killers and went out.
She got downstairs, immediately the workers saw her, they began shivering in fear, everyone try his or her best to avoid getting in her dark side.
” Morning miss “
” Good morning ma “
The workers greeted but she answer no one.
” Hey you, get me a glass of water ” Jenny said to one of the workers.
She rushed and get her the water, she collected it from her and took the drugs, she sat on the sofa and lay on it.
” Brandon I love you, why can’t you love me back, please love me ” Jenny said slowly.
She remembered the way the guy handle her yesterday.
” He was good, even though I was drunk, I enjoy how he pounded into me, Gosh it was great, but no dk can be compared to Brandon ” Jenny said in her thoughts.
” Ma , what will you take for breakfast ” The headmaid ask bowing.
” I think a cup of tea and bread with egg ” Jenny replied without looking at her.
” Okay ma, just a minute ” The headmaid bowed and left.
* Johnson mansion.
Selene is already dressed for school, she woke up with this happiness clouding her mood, thanks to Micheal, he is the reason why she is smiling foolishly, the fact that he actually kssed her is sending butterflies down her tummy.
She got downstairs and saw Brandon on the phone making a call.
? Okay we will see at school, say hi to that talkative Edward ” Brandon said.
” Hi big bro ” Selene said and jump on Brandon hugging him, she cling her legs tightly on him and peck his cheeks.
” I love you big bro, I love you so much ” Selene childishly.
” My sweet cute Brandon, you are so cute , I wouldn’t think twice to date you if you aren’t my brother ” Selene pouted.
Brandon chuckled at her childishness.
” What is up with you Selene, stop behaving like a baby, I keep hating you everyday ” Brandon said making faces.
” Really ” Selene pouted.
” Yes, and you know I hate pecks ” Brandon said.
” Should I kss you then ” Selene replied and Brandon eyes widened.
” You are crazy eish ” Brandon said and push her off him.
” I am your brother wtch ” Brandon said
” My sweet baby ” Selene said and sat on the sofa.
” I have a crazy sister, you are really crazy , what is up with the early smile ? ” Brandon asked.
” Nothing really bro , ion just happy ” Selene said sweetly.
” Let’s go, I will eat something at school ” Brandon said and they interlock hands and got out.
** Winters High.
* Junior class.
” Hi baby ” Jasmine call out to Selene as she walked into the class.
” Hi baby ” Selene replied and peckex her.
Jasmine blush slightly.
” Hey girls ” Lisa and Andy both call walking to them.
” Hey ¢razy bches ” Selene and Jasmine chorused.
” Master pizza girl ” Lisa pouted.
” Bch ” Jasmine cussed.
They all sat down and began gisting.
The girls in the class began screaming as they saw Brandon entering the class.
? Why is Oppa here ??
? This guy is a demi god.
? His perfection is beyond imagination.
His eyes met with Jasmine and she shly look away.
He walked to where she is sitting and held her hand.
Jasmine look at her hand in his hand and she smile, her heart is palpating now.
” We need to talk ” Brandon said.
” See you girls ” Jasmine said, standing up and going out with him.
The students began throwing different comments.
? Is she his new fk mate ??
? I wish I’m the one.
? He fk almost the girls.
? But they hate each other.
? No one can resist Brandon, he is so cute.
Jasmine ignore their comments and went out with Brandon.
They got outside of the class and she release her hand from his.
” What did you want us to talk ? ” Jasmine asked crossing her hands on her chest.
” You are following me to the school clinic to receive the last dose ” Brandon replied.
” Can’t you go alone ” Jasmine hissed.
” I got wounded coz of you, so no objection from you ” Brandon smirked.
* Je.rk “
” Crazy ” Brandon said.
” Let’s go Jerk head ” Jasmine said and led the way while Brandon follow her.
They got to the school clinic and met the medical assistant doing some stuff.
” Morning to you both ” He said.
” Morning sir ” Jasmine replied respectfully.
He went in the inner room and later came out with a string and needle fill with the drugs.
Brandon began swizzling his face up, he hate it when his skin is to be puncture.
” Oh no, that again ” Brandon wince even when he is not yet injected.
Jasmine began laughing at him.
” I hate you crazy ” Brandon yelled.
” I hate you more ” Jasmine laugh, blowing ksses at him.
Brandon hiss and look at the other side.
* ahhhh ” He cried as the medical assistant injected him, he finish him injecting him and leave .
” You can’t say sorry “
” Sorry Brandon Johnson ” Jasmine replied mockingly stressing his name.
” I think I can go now right Je.rk ” Jasmine said and started leaving.
Brandon didn’t know what came over him, he rush and pulled her back, her head collided with his chest, they both stood starring at each other in silence, no one said a word to another person.
Their hearts is palpating right now, Jasmine look at Brandon and bit on her lips shly, like a slow mo ” Brandon began leaning in to kss her, Jasmine heart race faster as she saw his lip coming closer.
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By Terri Savage
Episode 26
Jasmine close her eyes shut expecting Brandon lips to crash on her lips any time soon, her heart is busy thumping right now.
Brandon lean in but his lips went to her neck, he breathed some air on her neck and Jasmine shiver only with that.
it sent chills down her spine.
She can’t help it but m*an softly.
Right now this is the perfect moment in her life.
” How did he know my most sensitive spot ” Jasmine wondered within her.
Brandon made it soft and gentle, her hands soon found his head and she dived her hands in his hair.
She wish it will never come to a stop, his touch is the best.
By the time Brandon stop, he made sure he left some hickeys on her neck.
They remain in that position staring at each other with so much affection.
He touch her cheek and nibbled on it softly.
” You are so beautiful Jasmine ” Brandon said with the most sxiest voice.
Jasmine blushed and looked at him with shyness in her eyes, she can’t believe this is happening.
” We are friends now right ? ” Brandon question as his finger trace on her cheek.
” Yeah ” Jasmine nodded and his face brightened immediately.
” So can you stop calling me those awful names ” Brandon asked and she smile.
” ok, I will stop calling you those names, and you too stop calling me crazy ” Jasmine replied pouting cutely.
” I can’t believe you have a calm side, your crazy side is scary but still you are pretty ” Brandon said.
” Trying to flirt with me right ? ” She questioned making baby faces.
” Maybe, we are friends so is it wrong of me to admire my friend cute face huh ” He said and pulled her into a hug , engulfing her in his arms again, he patted her back, stroking her hair and she smile cutely.
” Per.vert friend, I got a class now ” Jasmine said and pulled him out of the clinic.
* Lunch time
” He is so wicked, I can’t believe he gave our group such hard questions, it is good we have you in our group Jasmine ” Selene said and patted Jasmine back.
” So , where will it be our venue to do the group work ? ” Andy asked.
” My house of course ” Selene replied.
” I am kinda stranded now, what about my job? if I keep skipping going to work, I might be fired ” Jasmine said sadly.
” I will get you a more suitable and comfortable job baby ” Selene said cutely and her mood brightened up.
” Really ” Jasmine replied.
” Yes baby ” Selene said and pulled her into a hug.
” I love you “
” I love you too , you’re the best ” Jasmine replied.
” I am jealous ” Lisa said in a babyish voice.
” Come here ” Selene smile and hug her too.
They are walking to the cafeteria to have some lunch.
” Hey girls ” A voice called at their back, they turned and saw Bella walking to them.
Andy blushed slightly and faced the other side.
” Hi Bella ” They waved.
” Uhn, I wanna talk to you pretty for a minute ” Bella said pointing at Andy.
” Ohh, excuse me girls ” Andy smile and followed
” Uhh, I wanna … ” Bella started saying but his words got stuck in his throat, he had never been nervous to talk to a lady before, he wondered why he is becoming nervous of a sudden.
” What did you want to say ? ” Andy asked curiously.
” Can you go on a hang out with me ” Bella said.
” Are you asking me out on a date ? ” Andy asked smiling
” Yeah kinda of ” He replied.
” Yeah, when ? ” Andy asked.
” On Saturday, 6pm prompt ” Bella said and winked at her and walked off.
” Did he just wink at me ” Andy squinted and ran to meet up with her friends.
* Cafeteria.
Andy walked in the cafeteria and went to sat with her friends, she smile coyly and settled beside Lisa.
” What’s up girls ” She winked at them.
” finishing talking with your crush huh ? ” Lisa asked
” Bch ” She cussed and blushed
” What did he said to you ? ” Jasmine asked eating from her rice.
” He asked me out on a date ” Andy replied palming herself.
” So sweet, I can’t wait for you guys to become couples ” Selene said.
” Selene ” She called and frown.
” What ! Are you not crushing on him ? ” Selene said.
” New gist, Jasmine is now Brandon friend ” Lisa said.
” Omg ” Andy shouted.
** Fernando Mansion
Mia lite her cigarette and puff out the smoke, she sat elegantly in the sittingroom smoking, the door open and Marcus came in with a frown on his face,
the fact that he is going to set his eyes on Mia is something he isn’t pleased with.
” Miss Mia ” Marcus called and Mia scoffed.
She gave him a menacingly look.
” How dare you call my name ? ” She asked measuring him and up
” I am sorry ” Marcus said pleadingly.
” Better be lowlife ” She replied.
” Marcus ” He said.
” I don’t care to know your damn disgusting name punk ” Mia yelled standing up
Marcus chuckled at her rudeness, how could someone be this wicked, arrogant and bchy, with the way she smoke, she disgust him but he dare not say a word, she is capable of anything
” You request my presence ” Marcus said
” I want you to take out, I want to your around Hollywood and stop giving me that look if you still want your fking job ba$tard ” Mia said and left.
” Bch * Marcus mumbled a bit loud.
* Night
” Mum, how did it feel to be in love ? ” Jasmine asked and sat beside her mum.
Mabel raised her brows, she had never ask her such, she is suprised.
” It feels great, it is the best thing one could wish for, but it comes with pain, betrayal, heart break and sorrow, only those who are strong keep going on with it, you see child love bring happiness, joy, peace but it can also bring sadness ” Mabel said and stroked her hair.
” I always wonder how it will be to be loved and to love some one ” Jasmine said and lay her head on her mother laps.
” Be strong baby, when you fall in love, trust your partner, trust and understanding are the things that make a relationship to be strong ok ” Mabel replied and Jasmine smiled.
” You are the best mum ” Jasmine said.
” I love you baby”
* Naomi place
She is slightly sick, she couldn’t go to her work place, she is in her bed covered with the duvet.
She is missing Shelton badly, she wish he is here with, she regret she wouldn’t have made that statement to him, she is still in her thoughts, when a knock came at the door, she wondered who it could be, she ain’t expecting any one, she lazily stood up and walked to the door she opened it and her eyes widened.
” Shelton ” Naomi called.
” Naomi” Shelton said
They stood there staring at each other without uttering a word to each other, surprisedly Naomi pulled him into a hug.
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By Terri Savage
Episode 27
Shelton face showed how shocked he was as she hugged him, he looked at her hugging him unbelievably
He wasn’t expecting this, he can’t believe this is happening, she was hating him and now she is hugging him herself, this feel good not to be true, but it is happening for real.
He hugged her back and stroked her hair, theirs heart is racing so fast that both of them felt it.
Naomi couldn’t believe she hugged him by her own will, she can’t fight it anymore, even though she hasn’t knew anything about him but her heart fall for him deeply, she can’t deny it anymore.
Being in his arms is the best feeling, the feeling is different from the one she got from James, she remembered him but surprisedly she was not hurt.
Shelton felt her body and it was burning up, her temperature is a bit higher.
They remained like that for almost two minutes before Shelton broke the hug
” Why are you here ? ” Naomi asked looking down, avoiding his eyes
” You are sick, your body is burning up ” Shelton said avoiding her question as it doesn’t matter right now.
” I am fine ” She said.
” Stop lying to me, I know you’re not okay, just admit already ” He said.
” ok, I am slightly sick, you’re okay now ” Naomi replied and smiled.
” You haven’t answered my question ” Naomi added.
” I just wanted to check on you ” Shelton replied slowly
” Why ? ” Naomi asked.
” I dunno ” Shelton replied, he is already tired of her questions
” I thought you will never come close to me , I am sorry for my action ” Naomi said
” I can’t avoid you, I missed you ? ” Shelton said and she immediately look at his face
” I missed you too ” She replied taking in her lower lip slowly.
Right now, she doesn’t want to lie again , not anymore since she felt the same.
Shelton held her face in his palms suddenly
He kssed her forehead and that sent tingling feelings down her stomach
” You are so beautiful ” Shelton said with so much affection in his eyes.
Naomi looked at him unsure of what to say, she just blushed and kept looking at him endlessly
Their heart is busy thumping right now.
” Don’t push me away ok, I like you so much ” Shelton said and kssed her nose.
” Shelton ” She said without knowing what to say.
” Shssh, don’t say a word, should I get you drugs ” Shelton said.
” No , I am fine, since you are here with I am okay ” Naomi said going to her bed.
Shelton felt his heart gladened at what she just said right now, he walked to the bed and settled down beside her, he touched her hair and she giggled.
” Touching my hair cost a lot ” Naomi said, smiling
” ion ready to pay any price to touch it. ” He replied and she smile.
He held her hand and she shly looked away immediately.
” Get well okay ” Shelton said with so much concern.
” And if I don’t ? ” Noami asked.
” I will be sad ” Shelton said sincerely and she stared at him for long.
” You are so kind and handsome ” Naomi said in her thoughts.
” Naomi ” Shelton Called.
” Yes ” She replied.
” What are you thinking about ? ” He asked.
” Nothing ” She replied and bite on her lips
He touch her head with his hand and it felt so comforting that she slept off.
** Next morning
She woke up to see Shelton sleeping beside her
She sat upright properly and looked at him , he is still sleeping, he is so cute even when sleeping
She studied his facial and smiled, ” He is so cute, even in his sleep he is so handsome ” She thought and felt the urge to touch his face.
She raised her hand to touch his face but Shelton suddenly woke up and caught her
” What are you doing ? ” He asked staring at her hand
” Uhh, I just wanted to touch your hair ” She replied feeling awkward.
Shelton knew she is lying but let it slide.
” Thanks for staying with me ” She said.
” Thank you too for allowing me to stay by your side ” He said with a cute smile
She went mute and began staring again
” I know I’m handsome ” He said snapping her out of her thoughts.
” Stop the proudness, you are ugly ” She said and hit him lightly
” Really ” He said winking
” Jasmine aren’t you coming out, or you want me to drag you myself ” Mabel shouted in the kitchen, she need a helping hand.
” Ohh, mum, I am coming ” Jasmine groaned
She has been given a day off , that means no work today.
She brushed and went to the kitchen and met her mum, who is frying some potatoes, the aroma is captivating and she is salivating already.
” Gosh mum, the aroma is so nice, what are you frying ? ” She asked coming closer to take a look
” Potatoes ” Mabel replied
” can I have a taste mum ? ” She asked cutely.
” No baby, not yet until I am done frying it ” Mabel said.
” Please mum, please ” She pleadingly said like a baby
” Okay baby, you can ” Mabel replied still backing her
Jasmine took one of it and bite, her expression changed and she smiled.
” Mum, this is the best ” Jasmine said
” I know, I am the best cook in the whole world, you will be staying with me today right ” Mabel asked
” Nope, I am going to visit my friend ” Jasmine replied.
” But Naomi is at work ” Mabel replied.
” No it is not Noami, it is my class mate ” Jasmine replied taking another potato chip
” Ohh, I forgot, she must be a nice girl ” Mabel replied switching off the gas cooker.
” She is really nice ” Jasmine replied
” Help me bring the stew to the dinning table ” Mabel said walking out
” Okay momma “
* Fernando mansion
? Dad, I am fine ” Mia said on the phone
? Hope the maids are giving you what you want ? ” Mr Fernando asked.
? Yes dad, but I don’t like my driver, he is rude and very disrespectful, I want you to sack him ” Mia said.
? Marcus is a good guy, he has been working for me for 3 years now, you just don’t know him, you will like him with time just trust me ” Mr Fernando said.
? Where is mum ? and when are you guys coming back ? ” Mia asked.
? She is out , ion don’t know when ” Mr Fernando replied.
? Okay dad , love you “
? love you daughter “
Mia opened her closet and began searching for what do wear, none of the dresses are of her taste, she angrily started scattering them.
” I need to get new clothes , I hate these clothes, they are all out fashion ” She said and went downstairs.
** Averities nova clothing line.
Mia walked into the building elegantly with a maid following at her back
” Good morning ma, you are welcome to nova clothing line ” A worker welcomed her.
” I want to change my wardrobe ” Mia said without sparing a response to her greetings.
” Okay ma, this way ” The worker said and she followed.
She is taken to the section where the best clothes are hang neatly, all kind of expensive clothes, shoes, undies, jeweleries.
” I like this ” She said.
She began selecting her choice , after two hours she is done.
She went to the cashier and made the payment
” I want those clothes delivered in my house ” She said to the manager, who is smiling foolishly, the sales made just from her is so great.
” Okay ma, your address ” She replied.
Mia gave out her address and began walking out, she is going out while Brandon is coming in, they both ran into each other
” What the fk, are you st… ” Mia stopped as her eyes met with Brandon.
She stared at his face , lost in his handsomeness, he is like a demi god, she almost tongue lashed him, he eyes is so perfect, his lips, his handsomeness, Mia is struck starring at him, her heart began thumping, she loves him already.
” Why are you staring at me like that ? ” Brandon asked angrily.
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By Terri Savage
Episode 28
Mia awkwardly looked at him and was unsure of what to say, she would have wasted no time in tongue lashing him, but upon seeing this demi god in her presence she can’t do it anymore.
To her he is the most perfect guy.
Brandon is already heating up but he is restraining himself from bursting up, her stares is so disgusting to him.
” I am … I .. Sorry for bumping into you ” She said stuttering on her words.
” Next time, look where you are going ” He said and walked away.
Mia turned back and looked at his retreating figure
” Who is that guy ” She said and left.
Brandon is here for the same thing, to change his wardrobe, after making his selection, he gave them his address before leaving.
** Johnson mansion
Jasmine got there and went inside, she is still amazed by the building in her front.
She pressed the door bell, after a while the door opened and Selene came out, she hugged her immediately she saw her
” My baby ” Selene said happily
” Cutie, ” Jasmine replied and kssed her left Cheek.
” awnn, I am blushing already ” Selene said as she pulled her in
Jasmine exhaled before sitting down
” What can I offer you baby ? ” She asked crossing her hands on her chest.
” Fruit juice will do baby ” Jasmine replied.
She called a maid and asked the maid to bring a cup of juice.
Selene settled down beside Jasmine and crossed her legs
” You are looking cute ” Jasmine said.
” Thanks baby ” She replied giggling
The maid brought the juice and gave it to Jasmine, she collected it and sipped
” The juice taste nice, uhh, where is Brandon ? ” Jasmine asked
” You are seriously asking me about Brandon ” She winked at her
” He is my best friend remember, I have every right to check up on him bch ” She replied faking a frown
” Really, pizza girl ” Selene said teasingly
” Crazy bch ” Jasmine replied
” let’s us have some fun, he is out ” Selene said
” Okay, What did you have in mind ? ” Jasmine asked
” Let’s play games ” She replied and Jasmine screamed like a child
” Do you want to block my ear drum bch ” Selene said as she walked to connect the cord, Jasmine came and joined her, she gave Jasmine her own control pad and they began playing the game, the game is a street game
At first Selene began winning Jasmine, she stocked out her tongue at her mockingly
” I am gonna finish you baby ” Selene Screamed raising her hands up excitedly
Jasmine is down now as Selene is winning, Selene got so much excited and started boasting
” Yeah, I am the best , am gonna win ” She screamed
Jasmine used that advantage to her own good and began winning, she is really giving it hurt to Selene character
She frowned and hissed as Jasmine won it finally
” Yeah, I won it, real masters don’t boast, sorry baby ” She said mockingly
” Can we go on another round ? ” Jamsine questioned
” Nope, I want us to swim in the pool, it has been a long time since I had fun in that pool ” Selene said and dragged Jasmine to her room
She opened her closet and brought out two swimming pants, she threw one at Jasmine and pulled down her dress, she wore it and checked herself out in the mirror
” Wear it baby ” Selene said after she wore her own
” It is too uncomfortable, it will be showing my body, I don’t like it ” Jasmine replied staring at the swimming pant in her hand
” So you won’t swim with me right ? ” Selene asked sadly
Jasmine saw her expression and she knew she is not happy that she refused to wore the swimming pant
” Okay fine, I will wear it ” She replied and her face brightened up immediately
She wore the swimming pant, it hugged tight to her bum bringing out her killer shape, she stared at herself uncomfortable and Selene chuckled
She is looking so hot, so hot that no guy can resist starring twice, she is irresistible
” Oh my God baby, you are looking so hot, look at that big bum” Selene said as she $panked her bum
Jasmine gasped and gave her a glare, she wasn’t expecting it
” Stop being naughty girl, let’s go ” Jasmine said and pulled her out of the room
They got outside and went to the swimming pool, it is so beautiful, a sparkling green water
Selene pulled Jasmine into the pool surprisedly
She splashed some water on her and she splashed it back
” It feel so refreshing and cool ” Jasmine said admiring the view
” I know right, it feels so good on my body, I am missing Micheal so badly even we spoke in the morning ” Selene said scooping some water in her hand
” Lover girl, what will you do then if you finally become his girlfriend ” Jasmine replied, smiling cutely
” I dunno, I can’t wait for that moment ” selene said
Brandon got home that moment, He walked into the mansion and found it empty
He called Selene twice but got no response, he headed upstairs and went to her room, he knocked but no response came, he hesitated for a while before pushing her door, it opened but he saw no one in.
” Where is she ” He said walking to his room
He got to his room and sat on the bed starring at nothing in particular, in that moment he stood up and went to his window to take a view around the city
His eyes widened as he saw two people having fun in the swimming pool, he looked closer and couldn’t believe who he was seeing
Jasmine got out of the pool running away from selene, they have been playing water fight for a couple of minutes, Jasmine is loosing so badly, so she ran out, her back view is facing Brandon window
His eyes fell on her bum and he couldn’t blinked his eyes, his eyes locked , starring at her killer shape, he is fascinated by what he is seeing, being a bad boy he is
Brandon watched her for some minutes before heading downstairs. He got to the pool and immediately Jasmine set her eyes on him, she jumped back into the pool, she nervously looked back at him before averting away her eyes
” You look good in that baby ” Brandon said flirtly
Jasmine blushed but quickly covered it up with a frown
” Pe.rvert, were you staring at me ” She said
” No ” He denied
” Then how did you know we are here ? ” Jasmine asked
” I heard some sounds here , so I came to check ” He said and winked sxily at her
Her heart skipped a beat
” Big bro ” Selene waved at Brandon
” Crazy kid sister, mum has been on my neck since, where the he.ll did you keep your phone ? ” He asked, but his eyes is piercing Jasmine body, she is becoming so nervous by his stares
” Oh fk, I left it in my room, let me go get it ” Selene replied and stepped out
” No. you can’t leave me here with this per.vert ” She pouted
” He is your friend, you can handle him ” She replied and winked at her before leaving
Jasmine gave Brandon a mean look and hissed
” Can I join you , you shouldn’t be afraid of me, I am your best friend remember ” He said coming closer
” ion afraid of you, but don’t step in here ” She replied, without him thinking twice he got inside the pool and started moving closer to Jasmine
” Don’t come closer Brandon ” She said, smiling cutely
She began moving back until her back hit the pool wall, he came so close to her and stood there staring deep in her beautiful eyes
” You are so pretty Jasmine ” He said
His eyes is full of affection and care
” Brandon ” She said unsure of what to say
He held her head up and kissed her forehead, her nose, her cheeks tenderly, Jasmine blushed heavily, the only place left for him to kss is her lips, she saw his lips coming closer but she didn’t tried to fight it, she allowed him to do what ever he want.
Brandon crashed his lips on her, he kept kssing her, she soon reciprocated it back.
They said no word to each other, just starring at each other
” Your lips is the sweetest I had ever tasted ” He said and stepped out of the water
Jasmine bit down on her lower lip and look away
Brandon lovely looked at her before leaving to get rid of his wet clothes, he met Selene on his way, and she gave him a ” what happen look ” but Brandon ignore her and went his way
She stepped in the water and saw Jasmine blushing, her cheeks red like tomatoes, she is backing her, she is so much lost in her sweet moment that she didn’t noticed her presence
” Jasmine ” Selene called
” Uhh Baby ” She replied and looked at her
She saw her swollen lips and smiled, she now get why Brandon clothes were wet, they kssed
“You and Brandon kssed, don’t even think of denying it, I know see your swollen lips , OMG ” Selene screamed and Jasmine blushed the more.
* 6pm
Andy is pacing around her room, she isn’t finding any dress of her choice, she want to look good for Bella, she kept scattering her wardrobe
” What are you doing ? ” A voice said by the door side, she knew it is her sister Ella
” I am trying to figure out the best clothe to wear but ain’t finding any ” She replied cutely
” Let me help, you are going out on a date right ? ” She asked going to the wardrobe
” Yeah ” Andy replied
She searched the wardrobe and took a red dress and showed her.
” Try this on ” She said and hand it over to her
Andy changed into it and a wow escape her mouth as she checked herself out in her mirror, she smiled
” You like it huh ? ” She asked
” I love it ” She gushed happily
” Sit down let me do your make up “
Thirty minutes later, her sister finished with the make up and everything , she went downstairs, she opened the door and met Bella already waiting for her
He is looking extra handsome, he is wearing a jean jacket with a Jeans trouser matching with a pink sneakers
Andy looked at him and gulped nothing down
” You are so cute like the morning flowers ” He said sxily and she blushed, advantage of going out with a playboy
” you are handsome too Bella ” She replied shly
” Shall we ” He gestured
” Yeah ” She replied and he led her to the car, they got in and he zoomed off
Click 9 below to continue reading
By Terri Savage
Episode 29
Monday **
**Winters high
The first two period are over, it is remaining some minutes to lunch, so the students are kinda free right now
” We will start working on our assignment starting from tomorrow ” Selene said facing Jasmine
” Why are you facing me like that ? ” Jasmine asked
” Coz you are the leader bch ” Selene replied making cute faces at her
” I will some day deal with your craziness ” Jasmine replied
” If you can pizza girl , ouch ” Selene winced as Jasmine pinched her cheeks
” Must you be harsh ” Selene frowned
” Andy you haven’t told us how your date with Bella was ” Jasmine said, suddenly facing her
” You are too addicted to gist babe ” Andy said smiling
” I can’t help it , yunno ” Jasmine replied
” We are ready to hear it baby ” Lisa and selene chorused
” It was the best date of my life, I really enjoyed it, he took care of me, we played games, went to the cinema and finally we got .. “
” What! You guys fk, seriously ” Lisa suddenly said laughing with a surprise look on her face
” Stop it bch, you couldn’t wait for me to finish my sentence, he only kss my forehead after he took me home ” Andy replied blushing as she remembered that part
” Awnn, I am jealous ” Jasmine said and Selene eyed her
” Bch ” Selene cussed and winked at Jasmine, she understood it and gave her a middle finger
” Fk you “
The alarm for lunch time rang and the students started trooping out of the class
” I am famished, my stomach is making weird sounds ” Selene said and made to leave
” Such a foodie ” Andy said and they all left the class
” I want to check up on my best friend ” Jasmine said cutely and ran off, she doesn’t want them to start teasing her again
” Crazy bch
* Brandon lounge
” I want to throw a party tomorrow at my new house ” Brandon said settling down with a smile on his face
” You have been smiling since, what’s up mehn ” Bella asked sitting beside him
” I think I am in love mehn ” Brandon replied facing him
Bella and Edward looked at him surprisedly
” Yeah, it sounds kinda weird to you guys especially as it is coming from a stubborn play boy like me, but I think I am in love ” Brandon said sighing
” Who is this lucky girl ? ” Edward asked
” Jasmine ” Brandon replied and saw the shock in their eyes
” You are joking mehn ” Bella said widening his jaw
” ion joking mehn ” Brandon said with a serious face
” This is hard to believe, are you sure mehn ? ” Edward asked
” Tell me man, I don’t feel the urge to fk like before, I rejected some free sx from girls , I only think of her, my heart beats anytime I see her or mention her name in my heart, I always want to see her, it may be sudden but I think I am in love with her ” Brandon replied staring in space
” Try and confess your feelings to her , I think she likes you too ” Bella said
” I don’t think man, I am afraid to approach her, what if she reject me ” Brandon said frustratingly
” The great play boy is afraid to approach a lady, so funny ” Edward said, laughing at his nervousness
” Fk you man ” Brandon said giving him a glare
The door suddenly opened and Jenny came in, Brandon spranged up and when he saw her, his hatred for her increased, he is done with her, what is she doing here
Jenny walked to him and stood in his front, Edward and Bella stylishly left them
after giving her mean looks
” What are you doing here Jenny ? ” Brandon asked annoyingly
” Brandon I love you, why are you avoiding me? I can’t leave without you ” Jenny said almost tearing up
” Cut that ¢rap, I don’t love you, how many times did you want me to tell you this , I am done with you, stop keep off your feelings me, ion don’t need it ” Brandon replied
” You can’t dump like that , No you can’t ” Jenny yelled emotionally
” I hate uptight girls, can’t you understand a simple sentence, I wasn’t dating you get that into your dull skull Jenny, I was only fking you ” He yelled back, looking meanacingly at her
Jasmine got there and heard noises inside, like people yelling, she is hearing Brandon voice but the other voice sound familiar but she can’t trace it, she wanted to leave but on a second thought, she pushed the door and met a shocking sight, Jenny kssing Brandon
It stinged her heart so badly, she is hurt, she called his name and Brandon quickly pushed Jenny away
” Jasmine ” He called, tears are threatening to fall from her eyes but she is fighting it
She ran away and Brandon ran after her
Jenny smirked and looked around
” So it is coz of her, Jasmine I will make you to regret coming here , Brandon is mine and mine alone ” She said, smirking evilly
Jasmine ran till she started loosing her breath then she stopped supporting herself by the wall, she let her tears flow freely, she slowly walked to locker room and pushed it open, she went in and squatted
She can’t hold her tears any more, she shouldn’t be hurt right, but she is hurt right now
She has been trying to get over the feelings she has being harbouring for him but everything changed that very day he kssed her, she has admitted she is in love with him
Why Brandon ??
What will you expect from a playboy ??
” Why did I have to fall for you Brandon, I hate you ” She yelled, crying more
Brandon ruffled his hair the moment he got back to his lounge, he saw the hurty look on her face, he tried catching up with her but she was so fast
Could it mean she has feelings for him??
It is not like he kissed her intentionally, Jenny surprisedly kissed him forcing herself on him, but Jasmine got a different view and idea
We aren’t dating right, why should I be bothered ??
Brandon held his breath and released it and fell on the couch breathing heavily
** Junior class
” She didn’t even come for lunch again ” Lisa said,
Jasmine didn’t showed up for lunch, they came back to the class and still she is not in the class
” She is with Brandon , something is surely going on between those two ” Selene said
” Ohh, I forgot so soon ” Lisa said
” Where is Michael ? ” Selene asked using her eyes to searched for him
Her phone beeped and she saw a text message, She opened it and smiled
” Who is that ? ” Andy asked trying to peeps into her phone but Selene pushed her away lightly
” It is Michael, he asked me to meet him in the library, I am coming girls ” She replied and left hurriedly
” Library lovers ” Lisa smilled
** Library
” Stop blushing already ” Selene said, She actually complimented his look.
” Who is blushing ? I already know I am handsome ” Micheal said cockily
” Stop the cocky behavior, you should be happy I said you are handsome ” Selene replied feigning a frown
” Frowning that face reduces your beauty you know, ” Michael said and winked
Since they went out on a date they have become so close, they can’t go without a day without them chatting or calling each other , they haven’t confessed their feelings for each other but they are cool for now as bestie, what kind of friends that do flirt with each other
” I won’t blush ” She said, but she actually blushed but quickly hide it
” I saw it already baby ” Michael replied
her heart skipped a beat
” Baby, baby, baby, he called me baby ” The name kept ringing in her mind
” Selene ” Michael called
” Uhh, yes what ? ” She said putting up a straight face
” What are you thinking about ? ” Michael asked
” Nothing ” she replied
” You are thinking about my handsome face right ? ” Michael asked and pinched her nose and started running out
” I will deal you Mich ” She said and ran after him
Jasmine eyes are red due to the way she has been crying, she is going to the class slowly while Jenny is coming out of the class, they almost ran into each other, they exchanged glares at each other
” I can see you are hurt bch, the game has just started, I will make you regret ever stepping your foot in this school, read my lips, Brandon is mine ” Jenny said
Jasmine gave her no response and went into the class and sat down sadly
” What is wrong baby, why are you crying ? ” Selene asked upon seeing her red eyes
” Did Brandon do anything to you , that ba$tard ” Selene said angrily and stood, but Jasmine held her hand
” Don’t attacked him, it is my fault anyway ” She said coldly
Andy and Lisa wanted to asked her the reason for her mood but stopped since they knew she won’t replied them
* Wow, you won’t believe this ” A student shouted attracting the attention of other students
” What is it ??
” Why are you shouting like a maniac??
” The school Lord is hosting a party at his new house ” She shouted showing other students the news that is just posted on the school blog
Others students started checking it out with their phones
* I will go shopping today
* I am so happy Oh my God
* I will rock tomorrow
* I am so excited, the party will be superb
Students started throwing different comments
” You will come right ” Selene asked
” No ” Jasmine nodded negatively
Selene looked at Lisa and Andy and both of them sighed.
** Nights
Naomi just offloaded the last package, She locked the door and went out , She stared at the beautiful sky and smiled, she is a lover of the skies
She is walking slowly, expecting to see Shelton, she Continued walking but it seems he is not coming when she is about giving up, a car light flashed at her back, she looked back and saw him flashing a brightful smile at her
Her face brightened up immediately, she has gotten addicted to him within this few weeks
She walked back to where he is and glare at him
” You were expecting me right ? ” Shelton asked, winking at her
” Your wink is ugly jerk ” She replied
” Are you sure Naomi huh ? ” He asked teasingly
” I am going home ” She said feigning annoyance
He rushed out and held her hand, turned her around and stared hard at her, She looked away shly biting down on her lip
He felt like kssing her tempting lips but restrained himself, he swallowed nothing
” You are cute when you are annoyed, I love your stern side ” He said, and that seems to softened her heart and she smiled cutely, she pinched his nose and he laughed
” Take me home ” She said and got in the car
” My pleasure, my princess ” He said
” Stop flattering me already ” She laughed so hard
* I will always try to make you smile all the times * Shelton said in his thoughts before igniting the car and zooming off
He took her home, she waved at him and he waved back
” Good night stubborn handsome Shelton ” She said
” Wow, Naomi said I am handsome, I am blushing now , good night princess ” He gushed happily like a baby before driving away
She smiled and kept looking at his car until he left completely
” I am missing him already ” She said
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By Terri Savage
Episode 30
Johnson mansion **
Brandon can’t concentrate since he came back from school, he locked himself in his room, he hasn’t eaten since he came back, he is feeling guilty right now, his is having this sudden urge to see Jasmine and just say sorry to her
He roamed in his room endlessly, pacing around and starring in space, worst he didn’t have her number, how can he be so dumb not to request for her number, he then remember Selene have her number, he is about to walked to the door, when it suddenly opened , selene came in looking very angry, Brandon is suprised to see her that way, he hasn’t seen her like that before
” Sis, what is wrong ? ” He asked looking keenly at her
” What did you do to Jasmine, I hate it when she is badly hurt ” Selene said trying not to yell at him, her heart is really burning up with anger now
” I didn’t do anything to her ” He replied slowly
” Don’t lie to me bro, she hasn’t been herself since she came back from your lounge, yunno it is rare to see a crazy girl like Jasmine cry, she must have been really hurt, just tell me the truth ” Selene yelled
Brandon frustratingly ruffled his hair, pulling some strands of it to his face
He exhaled hard and looked at non smiling face, he didn’t know his sister can be scary when she is a bad mood
” Okay, she caught Jenny and I kssed ” He replied releasing his breath
” Are you sure ? ” She asked not really buying it
” Yeah, you can ask her if you don’t believe me, sis, I don’t know but I think I am in love with her ” He said and her brows widened
She walked closer to him and held his face in her palms
” Did you just said you are in love with Jasmine ? ” She asked, her voice showed she is suprised
” Yeah kid sis, I can’t sleep tonight if I don’t see her , I am going crazy right now ” He said and ran out
Selene stood breathless, the whole thing is like a drama to her
” Brandon is in love ” She said and smiled faintly and settled on his bed
Brandon drove out of the mansion speedily and headed for Jasmine place
He is really speeding and not caring if he will have an accident or not, what is on his mind now is to see Jasmine
He got there and parked, he got down and walked nervously to the door
While inside, Jasmine is sleeping on the couch, she can’t sleep either, the picture of Jenny kssing Brandon is still replaying in her head, she has tried to forget it but she can’t, Mabel is fast asleep after coming back from a stressful day
She heard a soft knock on the door and spranged up, she wondered who could be knocking at this hour of the night
She walked to the door and opened, she gasped loudly as her eyes rest on Brandon who has a sorry look on his face
” Brandon ” She said drily
The next thing, he hugged her so tight, pulling her to himself like she will be gone anytime soon
Jasmine found his arm so comforting, she didn’t try fighting it, he hugged her for two minutes before disengaging it
He held her shoulders tenderly and looked at her pretty face
” Jasmine I am sorry, it wasn’t what you think, she force herself on me believe me ” He said with sincerety
” Why are you apologizing to me, it is not like we are dating ” She replied
Brandon felt bad at what she said, it really sting his heart
” But we are best friends and from what I know , you don’t like Jenny, I just feel like apologizing to you ” He replied
” Okay ” She said
” We are cool now right ? ” He asked
” Mhmm ” She nodded
” Thank you, now I can get a sleep, I l.. ” He almost spilled it out but he was fast to stopped
” See you tomorrow at my party, hope you are coming ? ” He asked
” Sure, good night ” She said and waved
* He couldn’t sleep because of me ??
” He came here just to apologize to me, I love you Brandon ” She said happily and ran to her room
Next morning **
Winters high *
Every student is talking about the party going to take place at night in Brandon villa, some had planned already to go shopping and some other stuffs
” You look lively today, I love it, I hate it when you are sad ” Selene said carely,
They are coming back from the canteen
” Are you gonna come to the party ? ” Los asked
” Sure, I am gonna rock it ” Jasmine said naughtily
” Got a real naughty side ” Andy said, smiling
” We will go shopping after classes, all bills on me ” Selene said and the girls gushed happily
” I got a plan for her ” Jenny said with a evil smirk
” What is it ? ” Susie asked eagerly
” She will be getting rappe tonight at Brandon villa ” She replied with a evil laugh
” Wow, you are so smart, but how can you achieved that ? ” Camella asked
” You forget I am the queen of this school, I got money, I will get her drink spiked and then the guys will be waiting for her in the restroom, ion sure she will fall for my trap ” She replied with a smile
” Such brilliant plan baby ” Susie said and high – five her
” Cheers girls ” Camella said and clicking of glasses is heard
** Shopping Mall
They entered the shopping Mall, one of the expensive in town
They are honorably welcomed and taken to the section where expensive gowns and other clothes are
” A pink gown ” Jasmine said to an attendant and she directed her to section where the gowns are
it is pink short gowns with sparkling stars on it
” What is the price ? ” She asked
” 1.1m dollars ” The attendant replied and she became sad
” What is it baby ? ” Selene asked seeing her expression
” The price is too high 1.1m dollars ” She replied sadly
Selene smiled and winked at her
” Just take anything baby, bills on me ” Selene replied and her mood brightened immediately
” I love you baby ” She said
” I love you too honey ” Selene replied and blew her ksses
** One hour later
They finished shopping and walked to the counter to pay , Selene transferred the money to account given to her by the attendant
” Seen ” The attendant said and packed up everything for them
Jasmine got home happily and drop the five bags she shopped earlier
” Jasmine baby ” Mabel called from the kitchen, she is preparing donuts
” Sweet momma ” Jasmine replied and walked to the kitchen
” You are preparing donuts ? ” She asked cutely
” Yeah, baby, I am done already, help me with the plates ” She replied and walked out
” Wow, baby where did you got this bags from ? ” Mabel asked
” I went shopping with my friends, she got all this shopping bags for me ” She replied
” She must be a very rich girl ” Mabel said setting the table
” Mum, there is a party tonight at her brother house, am I permitted ? ” She asked cutely
” Anything for my baby, but be careful don’t drink ” Mabel replied and she smiled
” I love you momma “
” Same here baby, come and eat, you don’t wanna get late “
” Yeah momma ” She said and sat down
** Pizza shop
” I got a nice red gown for you baby, don’t be bothered about the extrance, I gat your back , let’s rock the party ” Jasmine said
They are done for the day and are about going home
” We will go home straight right ? ” Naomi asked
” Yeah bestie, let’s get a cab ” Jasmine said and stop a cab, they got in and the cab man took them home
Brandon Villa **
Jasmine and Naomi board a cab which took them to the Brandon villa since the address was dropped on the blog
They got there and entered and behold a magnificent mansion and their mouth went wide
” This house is so huge ” Naomi said admiring it
” It is really heaven ” Jasmine chipped in
” Let’s go in baby ” Jasmine said leading the way
The house is already flooded with Winters High students and it is so exciting
They walked in amidst the loudness of the songs and looked around excitedly
All eyes fell on them , they are looking so hot, the red lipstick on their lips is so tempting and a guy could wish to have a kss
? They are so hot
? More than hot, look at those lips
? So tempting mehn
different comments are flooding in
” Jasmine ” Selene almost screamed, rushing to hug her
” Baby, you are so hot ” Selene said, releasing her
” Naomi right ? ” Selene asked looking at Noami
” Yeah, nice to meet you again ” Naomi replied and hug her
” Me too , you are breath taking too ” Selene said breaking the hug to check Jasmine out again
” Where is Lisa and Andy ? ” Jasmine asked looking around
” They are on their way ” Selene replied
” Let’s go get some drinks baby ” Selene said and led the way, Naomi and Jasmine followed
Jenny is like 4 meters away from them, she smirked as she Jasmine going to the counter
” You don’t know what will soon hit you bch ” Jenny laughed
” Can’t wait ” Susie and Camella chorused, she watched excitedly and Jasmine began ordering a drink
” I need a bottle of green spark ” Jasmine said to the bartender, he excused himself and went to get it, he professionally spiked it before taking it to Jasmine, he gave it to her and she began drinking it
” The same ” Naomi and Selene said
Jenny watched in satisfaction as she gulped the content down her throat
A loud scream is heard, the girls started shouting endlessly
Everyone attention turned to where the screams is coming from
” The hostee is here, Brandon Johnson ” The Dj said loudly
Brandon walked in with Bella and Edward at his side, they are looking gorgeous and handsome, if there is any word greater than hot, it is what they are now
Jasmine turned back and her eyes fell on Brandon, She got strucked, not blinking her eyes, she kept staring at him, each of his moves made her heart thumped hard
Click 11 below to continue reading
By Terri Savage
Episode 31
She kept staring at him, without blinking her eyes lashes, he is the most perfect guy right now, his tempting glossy pink lips, she remembered how he kssed her and she touched her lips softly
? Oh my God, Can he just look my way
? Bella I love you
? Edward is so cute
They duo walked elegantly with a spacious mood with guards preventing people from touching them
” Do you want to bore holes on my brother body, you have been starring for long ” Selene tapped Jasmine and she Jerk up
” Eh ” She said
” Stop starring at Brandon bch, just confess you love him already, stop drooling ” Selene said and winked at her
Naomi gave a short laughter and continue with her drink
” I hate you baby “Jasmine replied, hitting her arm
Right now Brandon is looking around for her, theirs eyes suddenly met and they both stare at each other, he winked at her and she blushed
” miss crazy ” He mouthed
” Fk you ” She replied with a middle finger
He smiled and she smiled back
Amidst the crowd, Lisa and Andy are just coming in, they are looking gorgeous too, they spotted Jasmine with Selene at the counter and walked there
” Babies ” Lisa said hugging them
” So cute ” Naomi muttered
” Oh, Naomi right ? ” Andy asked
” Yes beauty ” Naomi replied
” I don’t want to blush this night ” Naomi said
” Am I seeing double ?, Jas baby, you are so sxy ” Lisa said and peck Jasmine on her cheek
She blushed slightly and pecked her back
” You girls are something else, I hope you girls ain’t planning to learn le$bi.anism ” Naomi said
” Eish I love dk ” Jasmine replied naughtily
” Speaking dirty huh, did you have sx before ? ” Andy asked
” No ” Jasmine pouted
” She is a naughty vrgin ” Naomi said and smiled
” This place is so uncomfortable, let’s go to a more comfortable place ” Selene said and they all left the counter
From where Brandon, Bella and Edward is sitting is directly facing Selene and the rest
Lisa is sharing eye contact with Edward, while Bella is doing the same with Andy, Jasmine is shy to look at Brandon, so she is stealing glances at him
” You girls can’t oppressed me ” Naomi said, hissing
” Sorry baby ” Lisa said and pecked her
Shelton and Michael just arrived at the party, they entered and saw the crowding dancing to the music being played
They walked around, Shelton eyes spotted Naomi and he couldn’t believe it
Michael saw Selene and his happiness increased, they both walked to them
” Naomi ” Shelton said gently
Naomi turned back and saw him, she almost screamed
” Shelton ” She said and stood up immediately and ran into his arms
” Hi selene ” Michael winked at selene
She gave him a brilliant smile and walked to him
Jasmine is suprised to see Naomi hugging Shelton
Could he be the guy, she is always talking about??
” Bestie, is he the one ? ” Jasmine asked her after she break the hug
” Yes ” She nodded, smiling
” Can we talk a walk around ? ” Michael asked selene
” Sure ” She replied and left with him, it is follow by Shelton and Naomi, it is only remaining Jasmine, Lisa and Andy
” Leaving us here huh ? ” Jasmine asked frowning, she is at the verge of finishing the bottle
” Easy baby , you don’t wanna get drunk ” Andy said
” Who get drunk with green spark ” She replied
After a while she started feeling tipsy and pressed
” I need to pee, I am coming ” She said, standing up and rolling her eyes
While she is leaving, Brandon eyes is focus on her till she left, he is sad she is leaving, starring at her is his best moment
She found a room, which she is sure is the rest room , she is staggering already
She opened the door and it is indeed the rest room, she almost fell but held the door knob
She licked the taste of green spark on her lips , she eased herself and cleaned up before Standing up, she is already feeling sleepy and her eyes are turning
” Oh shit, what is happening to me, why am I feeling tipsy alot ” She said loudly
She heard noises outside and the door suddenly opened and three guys entered the place
” Who.. are.. you guys ? ” She asked stuttering on her words, the alcohol is really having effect on her
” She is beautiful, her thing will be warm ” one of the guys said
” She looks like a vrgin ” another guy said
” Guys let’s stop wasting time and finish what we are here for ” one of the guys said, he grabbed her hand pulling her, Jasmine $lap him hard and he staggered back
” bch ” he said and pun¢hed her
She staggered and almost fell but she held herself
She tried to fight the guys but the alcohol was making her to sleep already
The guys pushed her down and teared her gown, leaving her in her undies
The first guy unbuttoned his trouser and pulled it down, he is about to tear her pa.nties when the door immediately opened startling them, Brandon entered with a vicious look on his face, the guys advanced at him, he held the first guy head and smash it at the wall, he lose consciousness immediately, the second threw a pun¢h at him but he dodge and smashed his balls so hard, he fell down and groaned in pain, he matched his cardio and he passed out, the third guy removed a knlfe and tried to pierce his skin but Brandon was fast to block it with his hand, it cut through his hand slightly, he grabbed the guy head and hit it at the way, he fell down
” Fools ” He said and carried Jasmine up sadly, he used the secret stairs to his room without the crowd seeing him
He took her to his room, Jasmine opened her eyes slowly and saw Brandon
” Jasmine ” He said
” My sweet Brandon, I love you ” She said babyish, she yawned and slept off immediately
Brandon smiled at her babyish voice and smiled again
” Did she really love me or is she just speaking gibberish coz of the alcohol ” He said and laid her on the bed gently, he covered her up with the duvet and to prepared a bath
Jenny eyes widened as she saw the police entering the party, she is not the only one suprised
* What is the police doing here
* I am confused
* I am leaving this place
Brandon actually called them
The police officers went straight to the rest room and heap up the guys, the bundled them up and took them away
” No, no , this can’t be happening , did she know my plan ” Jenny muttered unbelievably
” maybe she knows your plan ” Camella said
” I am screw, this guys can expose me, I am screw now, I can’t stay here any longer ” Jenny said standing up, she hissed and started leaving with her minions
Naomi and Shelton sat at the pool side, exhaling and feeling the cool breeze, they are sitting closer to each other
” The sky is beautiful, isn’t it ? ” Naomi asked staring at the skies
” Yeah, it is beautiful just like you ” He replied
She look at him and blush
” I just love staring at the sky, it gives me joy ” She said
” I love staring at you, coz you are the skies to me ” Shelton replied r©mantically, she can’t help but blush
” You are so sweet and kind ” She said
” It sounds so sweet as it is coming from you ” He replied
She smile widely and laid her head on his shoulders
” Seeing you smile gives me joy, I don’t want to see you sad okay ” He said and she nodded
He turned and looked her and she is fast asleep, she looks gorgeous in her sleep
” You are the best thing I can ask of Naomi, I love you ” He said
Selene and Michael held hands together walking around the house, it is so large that you will need to take a tour to see the whole building
” You’re so beautiful ” Michael said facing her suddenly
” I know ” She said proudly
” Eh ” Michael replied
” You heard me ” She pouted
Their heart is thumping right now
Michael become serious and locked eyes with her, he looked at her affectionately, she looked back and their lips started coming closer, it is about to crashed, when Selene phone beep bringing them back to their senses
She took her phone out and check it, it is a message from Brandon, she open it and her eyes widened
* Some guys tried to rappe Jasmine but I save her, she is now in my room, tell the others *
” What is it ? ” Michael asked
” Some guys tried to rappe Jasmine, luckily my brother save her ” Selene replied and he gasped loudly, she pulled him and they went in
She ran to his room with Michael, Brandon is coming out of the bathroom, he saw them and sighed
” Where is Bella and Edward ? ” He asked
” They are downstairs with my friends ” She replied going to the bed
” Who could behind this ? ” Michael asked
” I don’t know, I called the police and they are taken to the station, I will make that person to pay dearly if I found who it is ” He said with anger
Selene texted Lisa and Andy, and soon both of them along with Bella and Edward entered the room
Jasmine is sleeping peacefully, Brandon sat close to her and held her hand
” I won’t let anything bad happen to you best friend ” He said affectionately
” Who is that bastard , I think this is Jenny doing ” Selene said
” Are you sure ? ” Bella asked
” That bch can go to any extent to do such outstrageous act ” Edward replied
” I have no proof but if I found out that she is behind this, she will regret ever knowing me ” Brandon said seriously
” I already prepared a bath for her, Selene please can you bathe her ? ” He asked gently
” Sure bro ” She replied
He took her gently and walked to the bathroom
” Everyone can stay till morning, there are enough rooms to accommodate each one of you ” He said before stepping fully into the bathroom with her..
Click 12 below to continue reading
By Terri Savage
Episode 32
Next morning**
Jasmine opened her eyes slowly, she shut it back and open it again, a strong and fresh fragrance hit her nose, she fully open her eyes and roamed it around
This isn’t my room ?? She wondered, I was at Brandon party then I went to pee, she then remembered how she was almost rapped yesterday, but someone saved her
She looked at her body and saw she is wearing a guy T-shirt, she then knew who saved her
” Brandon, he save me ” She said, smiling and touching the shirt foldly
She turned to her left side and saw Brandon sleeping on a couch which is beside the bed
She looked at him and couldn’t took her eyes off, he looks so calm and more handsome while sleeping, his pink lips is pouted making it more cute, Jasmine drooled hard and gulped nothing
” I am just realizing, he is super handsome ” She said gently so as not to woke the sleeping demi god
She tried to took her eyes off but she found herself moving closer to him, she scooted near him and gently touched his face rubbing her hand on his cheeks, her finger touch his lips gently
His eyes suddenly opened and he caught her admiring and touching his face
” What are you doing ? ” He asked
” I.. I something was stuck on your face .. So gosh ” She replied stuttering on her words, she felt embarrassed he caught her in that way
” I know I am handsome, so it is not your fault, if you can’t resist touching my face ” He replied teasingly
“I hate your proud side ” She said and hissed
” Thank you ” He said gently
“I am sorry ” She said with an apolgeic face
” For what ? ” He asked
” For saying that and thank you for saving me again ” She said biting on her lips
Brandon looked at how she bit her lips and felt like grabbing her and kssing it so hard, it makes her so attractive and irresistible
” Can you stop that ” He said
” What ? ” She asked
” Biting on your lips ” He replied
” Ohh ” She smilled
” I am not pissed off, I would have been sad if the guys rappe you okay, don’t get drunk next time okay ” He said cutely
He made to go but she held his hand, he turned back and saw her looking at him with a kind of look that shows she want to say something to him
” What ” He said but she refused to talk, just holding his hand and staring at him
He sat beside her and smiled at her, she returned the smile
” Don’t get drunk next time okay ” He said
” Who get drunk with a green spark ” She muttered
Brandon brows raised, he then knew it was planned
” It means your drink was spiked, don’t worry I will get to the bottom of this and know who is behind all this okay ” He said
” Thanks you ” She replied, rubbing her thump on his hand softly
He started imagining things
” I called your mum yesterday and explain things to her but I never mentioned what happen ” He said
her face beamed with smiles
” Brandon I .. ” She felt like confessing but she stop herself
He touched her hair fondly and hesitated before leaning in to peck her forehead, she thought it was her lips, she shut her eyes expecting it, Brandon looked at her lips, he was about to kss her when the door suddenly opened
“Fk , I interrupted the making of babies ” Bella said by the door
Jasmine shly hide her face in his chest
“Fk you man , what is your problem ? ” Brandon asked eyeing him
” Just came to check up on her, sorry i didn’t knock ” He said and left
Shelton woke up and looked at Naomi who is sleeping beside him, his face beam with smiles as she is sleeping so peacefully,. she opened her eyes and smile at him
” Good morning pretty ” He said
” Making me to blush in the morning ” She said blushing
” Hope you slept well ? ” He asked
” Yeah, what about you ? ” She asked
” How could I slept with a beauty like you and won’t sleep well ” He said and winked at her
” Stop winking at me ” She replied and stood up
” I might get late, I need to go see my friend ” She said and Shelton followed her out
Jasmine and Brandon are just coming downstairs in style, selene and Andy came downstairs followed by Micheal , Edward and Lisa
” Morning everyone ” Andy waved at everybody
” Hi man ” Edward said
” Baby, why are you in his T-shirt ? ” Naomi asked surprisedly
” Uhhn, I will explain it to you later, I was almost rappe ” Jasmine replied
” What !! ” Naomi screamed
She came closer and started checking her body
” Sorry baby, hope you weren’t hurt right ? he saved you right ” Naomi asked
Jasmine just nodded
” Thank you for saving my bestie ” Naomi said suddenly facing Brandon
He smiled at her
” Hey Brandon ” Shelton waved
Brandon looked at him and felt this guilt within him, he can recalled what he did to him
” Shelton I am sorry for the way I treated you back then ” Brandon said closing his eyes, he found it hard to do
Everybody is suprised, this will be the first time he will be apologizing to someone
” Did Brandon just say sorry ” Bella said, whistling
” I can’t believe it either ” Micheal said
” Stop it guys ” Brandon said
” I think we all should be going now, we are almost late ” Lisa said
” Okay ” all of them chorused
” Come with me baby, I will give you some of my clothes to wear ” Selene said and pulled Jasmine with her, heading upstairs
” Bestie bye, see you at work ” Naomi said and Jasmine turned back and nodded.
She left immediately with Shelton, the rest of them also left
After a while Jasmine came downstairs with Selene
” I will take you home ” Brandon said
” No need, I can do that myself, bye friend ” She said and made to go but Brandon held her back
” Stay safe okay ” He said passionately
” I will my j.erk ” She replied sweetly and left
He kept looking that way till selene called him
” Bro “
” Huh ” He replied
” Stop staring, what can’t just express your feelings to her ” Selene said
” I am afraid sis, what if she doesn’t love me back ” He retorted
” I believe she loves you too, just give it a try, I love you ” She said cutely and both of them went home
Mia place **
She is on the phone with her dad, showing by her expression, she is not comfortable with what her dad is saying
? Dad, I don’t want anyone to choose a fiance for me ” She said
? You will like this young man, he is so cute and his parents are super rich ” Mr. Fernando replied
? What if I don’t love him dad, I don’t fking need you guys help ” She yelled
? You will do it and that is final, when i and your mum are back, you will be meeting Brandon Johnson ” He said and cut off the car
” Screw you dad “
” Screw you mum
” I hate you both, how could you choose a guy for me , fk you both ” She screamed
She took her laptop and started typing Brandon’s name
” Brandon Johnson ” she said
Her mouth open wide as the pictures of Brandon display on the screen
” I ran into him at the shopping Mall “
” Oh my God, it is him, yes I will be glad to meet him again, I love this guy, this love at first sight ” She squinted
Winters high **
Jenny entered the school, she got down and came face to face with Jasmine scary face
Her knees wobbled in fear but she composed herself and started walking, but deep down she is some how scared
Jasmine blocked her way and looked at her meanacingly
” What is it bch, get out of my way now ” Jenny said authoritatively
” And if I don’t ? ” She asked
” You will regret it badly ” Jenny replied
” I am waiting bch, you sent some guys to rappe me yesterday right ? ” She asked and saw the fear on Jenny face
” What are you saying bch, I can’t do that ” Jenny replied with a shaking voice
” You can’t deceive me , let me tell you one thing, you can’t have Brandon, he can’t fall for a wh*re like you ” Jasmine said
Jenny got infuriated by Jasmine words and raised up her hand to $lap her but Jasmine caught it and gave her a $lap
She held her face and gave her another $lap before pu$hing her down
Some students have already taken pictures while some are videoing it
? She $lapped her
? how bold of her
? I hate Jenny, she deserves it
? Some trending gist
She looked at her menagincly again before leaving
* She…. is crazy
Click 13 below to continue reading
By Terri Savage
Episode 33
Jenny remained on the floor for some few minutes, she couldn’t believe it, Jasmine has the guts to embarrassed her in the presence of the whole students, she can’t possibly let this slide over, she has just violated an important rule by fighting her
” Let me see how you will survive this ” Jenny said and dusted herself, she ignored the students annoying comments and headed straight to the principal office
She barged in without knocking
” What insolent, who is that .. ” Mr. Benson stopped as he saw Jenny
” Jenny, what is wrong ? ” He asked
” Sir, a student just fought me now ” She replied
” Are you sure ? ” He asked
” What kind of stupid question is that ? ” She asked getting angry already
” Hey watch your mouth ” He said creasing his brows
” You know who my parents are, so if you love your job , do what is need now ” She said rudely
Mr Benson shifted in chair uncomfortably and looked at her
” Okay ” He said
Junior class **
The class is rowdy and noisy with the trending gist on the blog
students are throwing different views, some are congratulating Jasmine for a clean job, while those who hate her for no reason are against her actions, the pictures and the video has over 890k views, those who are mostly happy is Selene and her friends
” Wow, baby you are such a tigress , I love that strength ” Selene said, hugging her
” You give her a little dose of your craziness “
” That $lap will help to reset her brain to factory settings ” Andy said, laughing
” She is lucky, we are in school, I would have given her a full time f*ck up treat, I hate bullshit from arrogant rude spoilt brat like her ” Jasmine said, rolling eyes
” Senior Jasmine, you are needed in the principal office now ” a student said by the door side
Jasmine looked at her friends confusedly
” Why is the principal calling me ? ” She asked
” I guess Jenny reported you him, using the influence her dad had on this school ” Lisa said
” You got my full support, nothing will happen to you ” Selene said
” Sure ” She said, standing up and leaving the class
” Why did you fought Jenny ? ” Mr Benson asked immediately she stepped in the office
” Sir, I … ” She said but got stuck on her words
” You see she can’t even defend her bchy self ” Jenny said glaring at her
” Jenny you know what you do, so stop claiming innocent here ” Jasmine replied
” Jasmine you are here by suspended for two weeks ” Mr Benson said
” What !! No sir, you can’t suspend me, Jenny is at fault ” She yelled
” I told you, you were messing with a wrong person ” Jenny smirked
” What if I say out what you try to do to me huh ” Jasmine said and Jenny shifted uncomfortably in her position
” Well sir, Jenny here send … “
” Stop, just stop okay, sir let her go ” She said with gritted teeth
Mr Benson became confused at the scenario happening
” What did you mean I should let her go ? You came here barking that she fought you and that she should be punish and now you are saying otherwise ? ” Mr Benson asked
” Sir, just let her go ” Jenny said, leaving the office , Jasmine followed her out and blocked her way
” Out of my way ” She said with a hateful glare
” You have foolishly admitted your crime, you are not smart enough to play such games Jenny, you have just proven to me that you were behind the rappe ” Jasmine said, smirking
Jenny realised her mistake and growshed over it, she can’t believe she expose herself foolishly
” Try and be smart fool ” Jasmine said and left
” You don’t know my next move, it will be so clean and unsuspected, I will lay low for now, but I will get back at you ” Jenny said
” She is really crazy man, look at how she disgrace Jenny ” Edward said, laughing as he just finished watching the trending video
” I like her crazy side, she is so fearless and bold, Jenny deserves it, I regretted ever fcking that wh*re ” Brandon said
” She is a loose wh*re with no manners ” Bella said
” I think I am in love for real ” Bella said
Edward smirked out laughing, he laughed until he clutches his tummy
” What is funny man ” Bella asked
” I just can’t believe you are saying that ” Edward replied, he has reduced laughing
” Screw you, don’t find a crush, keep laughing at me ” Bella said mockingly
” I got a crush mehn ” Edward replied
” We are all in love right ” Brandon asked chipping in the discussion
” Yeah, we are ” Edward and Bella chorused
One week later **
Micheal held hands with Selene as walked on the shores of the sea, they are out on a date and he took her to a beach
They are enjoying the cool breeze blowing, it is so cool and refreshing
Theirs eye met and they smiled at each other
” Why are you so cute ? ” He asked
Selene blushed and faced him
” Why are you so handsome ? ” She asked
” I dunno, I kept missing you through out the week ” He replied fondly playing with her hair
Her heart thumped and she smiled back
” I missed you too through out the week ” She said
He stepped into the water and scooped some in his hand and splashed it at Selene, she screamed and stepped in the water, sh scooped some and threw it at him, he dodge and she started chasing him around
Michael held to himself and made them to fall inside the water fully, she raised her head out of the water, her hair is dripping of water, she is looking so breath taking, Michael stared hard and blinked twice
He brought his face closer to her and she shut her eyes expectantly
” Selene ” He said gently
” Yes “
” I don’t know how to say this, this might not be the perfect way but I can’t keep it anymore I … ” He said nervously
” You what ? ” She asked anxiously
” I.. I love you Selene ” He said it out finally
She held her breath for a long time before even realizing she is holding her breath, what she has longed for has finally become reality
Michael scanned her expression and wondered if he even made a mistake confessing to her
” Michael ” She said unsure of what to say
” Shssh, I can wait, don’t stress yourself ” He said, raising up from the water
” Let’s go to the counter and have some drinks ” He said and made to go but she held him back
” Who told you, I am not ready ” She said, smiling
” Huh! you .. “
Selene hushed him up and surprisedly crashed her lips on him
White Cherries restaurant **
Brandon, Edward and Bella are just coming into the restaurant, they are hanging out today as friends do
They are welcomed and shown where to sit
White cherries is one of the best restaurant in the Hollywood, it has all kind of foreign dishes, Italian dishes, Chinese dishes, African dishes and a lot more
” Your menus sir ” The attendant said
Brandon took his own and check it out , he placed his order, followed by Edward and Bella
” It has been we hang out like this ” Bella said
” Yeah, everything stop since Brandon stop fking around, I can really say you have change bro ” Edward said
” I never for once believe in love, but Jasmine has change that, ever since she came into my life, I think only of her, I lose interest in that life, I am waiting for the perfect moment to confess my feelings ” He said
” It is really funny, three best friends are secretly in love with three girls who are also best friends ” Edward said shrugging
The attendant brought their order, they began eating happily
Mia just stepped in the restaurant, her eyes almost popped out immediately her eyes caught up Brandon who is some meters away from her
Marcus looked at her confusedly, he traced where she is staring at and saw her dreamily staring at a cute guy
She walked elegantly to where he is and waved at him
” Hi ” She said cutely
Brandon turned back and saw her, he stared at her for a few seconds and recalled where he met her
” You ? ” He said
Click 14 below to continue reading
By Terri Savage
Episode 34
Mia kept a happy face as she stared at Brandon, she is behaving childishly
Brandon gave her a confused look and stared at Bella who stared back giving him * What’s wrong with her looks *
” Nice meeting you again ” He said trying to be gentle
” My pleasure, I was sorry for bumping into you that day ” She said pleadingly
” It was nothing , we are cool ” Brandon replied
” I am Mia “
” I am Brandon “
” You are handsome ” She said smiling
He had heard that countless times, so it doesn’t move an inch in him, he only feel good or blush if that is coming from Jasmine, she is the only one that has ever made him to blushed
” uhh can I .. ” Mia said but stopped nervously
” What ? ” He asked
” Can I have your number ? ” She said awkwardly
He look at for a while before giving him her phone to type her number
She collected and type it, smiling
” Thank you ” She said giving the phone back to him
” See you around handsome ” She said, she bend and pecked him and ran off
Brandon jaw drop wide as he stared at the direction she took, he can’t believe it
Who is she ??
” She pecked me for real, she is a psycho ” Brandon said rubbing off the lipstick on his cheek
” She is crushing mehn, it is nothing, it’s not a new thing ” Bella said
” She can’t be crushing, coz I am not a playboy anymore, my heart longs for some one else ” He said and called the waiter
” I love you so much Selene ” Michael said looking deep in her eyes
Selene blushed, she stood on her toes and kss him deeply, he responded to it.
They looked at each other affectionately without blinking an ink
” Thank you for making me the most happiest guy, I love you cutie ” He said, still placing his hand on her waist
” Thank you for confessing, I have been crushing on you for a long time now ” She replied lovely, touching his face with her palm
” I will love you and cherish you forever, I love you so much ” He said
” I love you more ” She replied, they locked lips again
” Mmm ” She m*an
Johnson mansion **
Selene type so fast on her laptop, searching the internet, they are actually working on their group assignment
Lisa is sleeping lazily on the couch, Andy and Jasmine are carrying out the research, after a while Selene found the answer
” I got it ” She said
” Wow ” Jasmine said
” Check it out ” Selene said pushing the laptop towards her
She took it and examine the finding
” It is the correct answer, let me copy it down ” She replied, she took her book and pen out and began writing
” Awwn ” Lisa yawned, Woking up, she blinked her eyes and looked at them, every one busy working on a particular thing
” You have haven woken up lazy a$s ” Selene said, throwing her looks
” I am hungry baby ” She said childishly
” I am not your cook b*tch ” she said
” What ever ” She said rolling eyes at her , she stood up and went to the fridge, she opened it and took out some apples, she came back and sat down and started eating noisily
” Easy girl, stop eating like a starved goat” Jasmine said and hissed
” Bch ” Lisa scoffed out loudly
” Can I have one apple baby ? ” Andy asked hungrily
” No, it’s not for you, no sharing, go get it yourself ” she replied, winking at her
Andy stood up and stylishly took out the apple, Lisa glared at her and groaned
” I hate you ” She said , making ki ki faces
” Will you guys keep quiet, I am working bches ” Jasmine said writing so fast
” What ever ” They said at the same time
One hour later**
Jasmine is done writing , she switched off the laptop and stretched herself out tiredly
Andy and Lisa are playing games, they are shouting making so much noise
Selene is on the phone with Michael, they have departed ways not long ago and she is badly missing him, she is so engaged in her chats with him that she didn’t noticed when Jasmine peep in her phone,
She saw their chats and a slow gasp escape her mouth, she looked at her blushing and smiled slowly
” You guys are dating already and you kept it a secret huh ? ” Jasmine asked beside her, Selene jerked up and looked at her surprisedly
” Eh ” She said
” He is your boyfriend already ” She said
” What, who ? ” She asked, giving her innocent looks
” Don’t give me that look bch, you are dating Michael huh ” She said, selene cheeks turned red, she took in her lower lip
” He confessed early today ” She replied, looking at her now, you will know is so happy
” Oh my God ” Jasmine exclaimed
” I wanted keeping it a secret to surprise you guys, but you b*tch couldn’t keep your eyes in one place ” She said hissing
” Gosh, I love you baby ” Jasmine said and hugged her tight
” I hate you ” She pouted
” Awnn, I am so sad ” Jasmine replied faking tears
” Stop it bch “
” Yes I am winning bch, 1 .. 2.. 3 Yeah ” Lisa screamed as she defeated Andy in the car racing game, she started jumping like a kid and yelling
” Don’t block my ear drum bch ” Jasmine yelled walking to her, she knock her head and she wince
” Wtch , I hate you ” Lisa said and her eyes met Andy who is looking at her mockingly
” New gist babies, ” Jasmine said but stop as Selene glared at her
” Don’t you dare ” She said
” What ever , Selene and Michael are dating ” Jasmine said
” Oh my God baby ” Andy and Lisa both rushed to Selene screaming
Click 15 below to continue reading
Episode 35
Jenny place **
She paced in her room angrily, she stared at Jasmine picture in her phone and smashed it on the ground, it broke beyond repair
She took out her sim from the damage phone and inserted it into her other iPhone
She took the bottle of alcohol on her dressing table and gulped it down in one go, she stares at herself in the mirror and smirked evilly
” You don’t know what is coming your way, if I can’t have Brandon then you can’t have him either, I hate you ” She said, just then her phone rang and she tipsly picked it up
? Who is this ? ” She asked rudely
? hey pretty, why are you sounding so harsh ” The manly voice said
? Who are you Id*t and stop lecturing me on how to sound ” She spatted more angrily
? If you wanna know who am I, then come at Sound nights club tonight ” The voice replied, cutting off the call
” Ba$tard ” she cussed
The door opened suddenly and James gasped loudly as he saw a guy fking his girlfriend, it hurts him.
” Isabella ” He screamed
He startled them and they turned to looked at him, Isabella stopped the mouth action and gave him an unconcerned stare.
” Is this why you have been avoiding me for weeks Isabella? ” He asked as hot tears poured his face
” Baby, who is he ? ” The guy asked
Isabella stare at the guy and stare back at James
” I can handle it baby ” She replied and stood up nkedly
She walked closer to James and looked at him with no * sorry look * on her face
” I am sorry to disappoint you James, but I am done with, it is over, I can’t date a loser like you anymore ” She replied
” All I ever did was to love you, but is this have you will repay my love ” James said hurtfully
” I never loved you, you were so foolish to broke up with the woman that truly love you ” She replied mockingly
” But I thought your love was for real ” He retorted
” Then you must be stupid for thinking that way, you broke up with her without caring about how she will feel, so despicable of you James , I am sorry but I was never in love with, we were just having fun, get that ” Isabella replied and walked to her bed
James walked out and almost fell but he held the door knob to support himself, more tears flowed his eyes as everything hurt him so bad
He remembered how he broke up with Naomi, how she was hurt, but he didn’t cared about it, he can feel the feeling of being cheated upon
He got in his car and drove to a bar, he entered the bar and went to the counter
” One cup of black beer ” He ordered
” Sir, are you okay ? ” The bartender asking seeing his mood
” Give me what I ordered for you punk and stop asking me damn question ” He yelled
The bartender poured the black beer in a cup and gave him, James gulped down the cup of the black beer at once and asked for another cup, he kept ordering for it
” Isabella why?? why?? ” He cried as he drank the black beer
” I hate you, you made me fall in love with you and you did this to me, it hurts, is this how Naomi felt when I broke up with her, I hate myself ” He soliquized
He paid the bartender and left the bar, staggering out, he got in his car and drove off
Night **
Naomi is coming out of the shop with a smile on her face, for the past week Shelton has being the reason she smiles everyday, she has gotten so addicted to him that she won’t sleep if she didn’t see or talk to him for a day
She is about to dialled Shelton line, when his car stopped just in her front
” Hi cutie ” He waved
Naomi rolled eyes at him and scoffed
” Stop staring, it is a crime for me to be handsome huh ” He said teasingly
Naomi chuckled and frowned
” Ugly , handsome Shelton ” She said
” Wow, you must have been good at English right ? ” He replied
” But I love the last part , I am handsome ” He said
” Stop the cockiness, I hate you ” She said
” And I … “
He stopped as he almost spilled his feeling out
” You what ? ” She asked expectantly
” I … I . never mind ” He said
” Big head ” She laughed
” What ? ” He asked, touching his head
” Take me home I am tired ” She said and got in the car
” Okay my highness “
She blushed and hit his arm lightly
” Stop it jerk, drive already ” She said cutely
She got home and Shelton stopped the car, she smile at him and he smile back
” Why are you staring at me ? ” Naomi asked
” Why are you so cute ? ” He replied
” I dunno ” She said shly biting on her lips
He swallowed hard as she bite sxily on her lips, he felt the urge to kss her there and now, she is irresistible with the way she did it, she turned and saw him starring at her, she stared back and couldn’t took her eyes away from his handsome face
She opened the door and made to go out but he hurriedly rushed and pulled her back , she fell directly on him, their face almost touching
Shelton stare at her cute face and pulled the strands of hair slightly covering her eyes, he touched her face and she shivered, feeling butterflies in her tummy
His eyes turned passionate and he started leaning in slowly, he held her face and Naomi closed her eyes expecting his lips on her
to him she is the most prettiest lady in the world, he took a look at her tempting lips and slammed his lips on her
* Shelton ” She gasped softly
She responded as if she has been anticipating it for years , she slipped his hands on her shoulder pulling him to herself
She sat on his laps as they kssed.
” Yes, he collected my number and I also pecked him, am I not really crazy, yeah I am crazily in love with him ” Mia said as she touched her lip
She is blushing already remembering how she pecked Brandon earlier, she starred at her phone expecting to see a call from a new number
She kept staring at her phone expectantly
” Yeah, I love you so much ” He said and kssed her so hard
” I love you too ” Mia replied
He pulled her close and slammed his lips on her, she kssed him back and pulled him to the bed.
” Ma ” A maid called
” Ma ” the maid called for the fourth time
Her eyes flew open and her eyes widened as she saw no one but the maid
It has been an imagination, a naughty and crazy one
” What are you doing in my room ? ” She asked icily
” I . I . Sorry ma, you were not responding so I came in to check up on you, dinner is ready ” The maid stuttered, bowing
” Get out ” She yelled, the maid quickly ran out of the room
” What was wrong with her ? ” She wondered
Sound night club **
Jenny parked her car and went in the club, it is filled already with people, it is one of the most famous and biggest club house in Hollywood, ranking at the spot of top 4 out of #10
She watched as the crowd dance to the music buzzing from the electronic speakers, it is a wide night club, a lot of stuffs always get down after this kind of party, It has been long she last visited this place
This is the place the unknown caller asked her to meet him, she came with the motive to blast the ba$tard
She went to the VIP section and sat down, she ordered for an expensive and started drinking while waiting for the unknown person
” Hi ” A voice said at her back
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By Terri Savage
Episode 36
Jenny turned back and saw a cute looking Chinese guy with a glass of red wine and a cigarette
Chu hua smiled at her cutely and settled down opposite her, Jenny couldn’t took her eyes away from his face
He look like a bad boy to her, she looked at him closely and it seems to her like she had seen this face before some where
” Nî håo ( Hi ) ” Chu hua said
” What is that ? ” Jenny asked confusedly
” I mean hi ” He replied, drinking
” Stop using that language with me, what language is that ? ” She asked, drinking too
” Chinese ” He replied
” wow, okay, who are you? and why did you even invite me here, I don’t want to waste my time with a stranger ” She said icily
” You seems harsh pi âoliang (pretty ) ” He replied staring intently at her
” Stop with the language punk ” she said getting angry
” Pardon my manners , you look lavishing tonight ” he said
” You didn’t invite me here to flirt with me right ? ” she asked, looking at him some how
” it seems you have forgotten about me, we met in a bar sometime ago, did you remember pushing a guy away from you when you drunk ” He said with a raise brow
Everything started coming back to her memory, she can clearly remembered his face, the stranger she had sx with in her car
She glared hard at him, he had to shift back a little
” You, you took advantage of me that night ” She said with anger in her voice
” I am sorry, you were too irresistible, I fell for you since that day, don’t be surprised how I get your number, I love you, since that day I couldn’t stop thinking about you, you clouded every of my thoughts ” He confessed, gazing at her reaction
Jenny chuckled and gave him a mocking and underatting look, he is not even close to someone she would date, that mistake happened coz she was drunk
” What if I use him to get back at Jasmine, he look like a bad boy, great plan, I think I should use him even though I don’t like him ” She thought and smirked
” I will think about it, what is your name ? ” She asked
” Chu hua ” He replied
” Jenny “
” Nice meeting you pretty ” He said and Jenny fake a blush
” But loving me comes with a prize, are you up to the task, if you really love me you can ? ” She said evilly
” What is it ? ” He asked
” There is this girl who is messing around with me, I want to know more about her, can you stalk her and find out everything about her ” She replied, smiling
” Her picture ” he replied
” Sure ” she retorted, bringing out her phone
Brandon kept tossing on the bed, moving from left to right on the bed, no matter how hard he tried he can’t sleep
He sat up and took his phone, he went to his contacts and started scrolling down, his finger stopped at Jasmine number, which he saved as * princess *
He smiled and hesitated before dialling her line
it rang thrice before she picked it up
? Hello sweet Brandon ” Jasmine said sweetly, hearing her voice now, you will know she is still feeling sleepy
Brandon smile widely as she called him that
? Hello trouble maker , you are aslept already ” he said
? you ain’t asleep yet ? ” She asked adjusting a little
? I can’t sleep ” he replied
? Really ” she laughed
? I am very serious ” he replied with a serious voice
? I missed you “
Jasmine heart’s lift and thudded against her ribcage, she opened her mouth to speak but no words came out, she smiled and looked at her phone
? Are you still there trouble maker ? ” he asked
? Yeah, I … I know what will make you to sleep ” she stammered, it is coz she is unsure of what to say
? Really, what is it ? ” He asked anxiously
? I will sing for you now ” she retorted
? I am waiting “
She closed her eyes and the vybe lyrics came flooding in her head
? Can you control the heart ?? ( No, no ) x2
it does what it want, tell me how did you made me feel this way ( whoa, whoa)
flowers are beautiful but your love is more beautiful
? I am fking addicted to you, ain’t gon’na lie anymore, it gat me flowing in Love
Brandon couldn’t believe his ears, he hasn’t heard a voice so angelic and sweet like her voice and the way she sing is so amazing, her voice is the perfect perfection, even popular Korean singers BTS aren’t close to this angelic voice
His eyes suddenly started feeling heavy and in no time he slept off
? How is my voice ? ” Jasmine asked after she pause singing
She got response, she placed the phone closely to her ear and heard some cute snoring sounds
” Even his snoring is cute , good night my prince “
Next morning ***
Naomi is the first person to woke up, she opened her eyes and smile seeing Shelton cuddling her, last night was the best night of her life , he is sleeping cutely with a smile on his face, everything about him is cute
she touch his face and kiss his lips lightly , that woke up Shelton, their eyes met and both of them smile
” Morning cutie ” He said
” Morning handsome ” She replied, blushing
He pulled her close and she gasped
” I love you “
” I love you more Shelton, promise me you won’t leave me ” She replied emotionally
He took her hand and place it on his chest
” How is my heart beat ? ” He asked
” It is beating real fast ” she replied innocently
” How could I ever think of leaving you.. When my heart only beat for you, I love you more than you can ever think of baby
” Sound so cute, I love you Shelton ” She replied r®mantically and jammed lips with him
* So yummy *
Jasmine is dressed up for school already, she is just coming out, she saw her mum reading a paper
” Good morning momma ” She said
Mabel turned, smiling
” Baby, you are already, breakfast fast is ready, omelette and bread ” she said
” okay , momma, what is that ? ” She asked pointing at the paper in Mabel hand
” It’s a job advertisement from white cherries, they are looking for a cook “
” You want to apply, don’t you ? ” She asked going to sit down
” Yeah, I wanna give it a try, Ion tired of doing petty jobs to survive, it is a good thing you are on scholarship ” Mabel replied, getting emotional
Jasmine stood and rushed to hug her, she patted her back and pecked her
” Don’t be said, believe in yourself, I will make you happy one day mum ” She said, her words somehow comforted her
” You’re the best daughter ” She smilled, palming her face
” Good luck sweet mum, I love you “
Johnson mansion **
” So you guys are now dating? , how cute ” Brandon said, pecking Selene
” I am so happy big bro, It feels so good to be in love ” She said
Brandon went mute, he is thinking about how he will face Jasmine and confess to her, he can’t handle the feelings anymore
” Bro, what is it ? “
” Huh “
” You were lost ” She replied
” I am ready to confess to Jasmine, but I want to make it so romantic, can you help me with ideas ” He said
Selene jumped on him happily and peck him
” This is my best day ever, I gat many ideas bro ” She replied, pecking him over his face
” Stop it ” He laughed
” I love you bro “
” Same here “
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Episode 37
Winters high **
The notification electronic bell rang and all the students became alert
The principal voice thundered and everyone paid attention
If the electronic bell is rang, then there is a special announcement
” Good morning students of Winters high, I am pleased to announce to you, that our school has being chosen again for the annual singing competition and this year it would be taking place in Germany in a month time , as it is two students are going to represent us
Brandon Johnson is always a constant
So we are going to do a voice contest here to chose the second person to represent the school alongside Brandon,
The contest is only for the female students
* The principal
Jenny smile satisfactory as she is very sure she will be the one to sing along Brandon in the competition, that was how he noticed her last year and they started fking, she thought it was just fun until she fell for him, no one can be compared to her when it comes to singing in the whole school
” That bch will still be the winner ” Lisa said annoyingly
” Who ? ” Jasmine asked
” Jenny ” She replied
Jasmine felt a sting in her heart, the fact that Jenny will be close to Brandon is making her to feel uncomfortable
” it won’t hurt if I try right ?? she thought
” You will contest right ? ” Selene asked, holding her hands
” Yes, I will “
” Did you feel something for my brother ? ” Selene asked
Jasmine looked at her awkwardly, there is is no need in denying it anymore
” Yeah, I am in love with Brandon, but I am afraid cos he is a play boy ” She replied sadly
” will you believe it when I tell you that he chased off one of his fk mate yesterday, He doesn’t fk again, my brother has changed ” Selene said seriously
” Unbelievable ” Andy scoffed
” I was shocked myself, but I have observe this days , he don’t flirt with girls anymore ” Selene retorted
Jasmine smiled knowingly
Senior class *
” I can’t believe that wh*re will be the one to sing with me , I just hate her ” Brandon said frowning
” Calm down man, there must be a way out, what of Jasmine ” Bella said and immediately his mood brightened
” What ? ” Edward asked surprisedly
” man, you just remained me of something, gosh, how stupid of me, she has the best voice in the world, Jenny can’t compete with her, she sang for me yesterday on the phone, I didn’t even know when I slept off man, her voice is unique ” He replied, making smiley faces
” Hi Bran, I heard about the news , I wish you success ” Shelton said
” I am glad man, sorry for being so bad to you in the past ” He quickly apologized
” You have done that countless times, I have forgiven you Bran, you aren’t a bad guy as many take you for , get that ” Shelton replied and patted him before leaving to his sit
* Library *
some one held Michael face from behind, he inhaled the person scent and smiled coyly
” Baby ” He said
Selene smile and release his face, he peck her immediately
” I know you will be here, book freak ” she said, hugging him
” I love you baby ” He said
” I love you, you know right ? ” She asked cutely
” I know and I love you more ” He said and kssed her lips lightly
” ain’t allowing a light kss ” She pouted like a baby
” Naughty girlfriend ” He smile and kss her hard for a minute before breaking it
” So delicious “
” So so de .. li…cious, I wonder how your inner will taste ” He said, stressing the word
” perv, keep your eyes off it ” She said
” But it’s mine right ” he asked, winking
” You will earn it in maybe a year time” she replied
” What !!, you want to kill me baby ” He pouted
Selene swallowed hard, she felt like kssing him so hard nonstop but they are in school anyway
” Time for lunch baby ” She said, dragging him out
Andy and Lisa are going to the canteen, Jasmine left them to meet up with Brandon who texted her earlier,
They saw Bella and Edward coming out of the class
both girls stood blushing as they saw their crush
” Hi ” Lisa waved, jumping
Bella and Edward turned and smiled seeing them, they walked towards them, their faces full of smiles
” Hi Edward ” Andy said
” Andy what’s up ? ” He asked
” I am good “
” You are looking cute ” Bella said referring to Andy, her cheeks became pink
” you are so beautiful Lisa ” Edward said and wink
Lisa almost fainted, she blushed and shly replied
” Can we follow you girls to the canteen ? Bella asked
Their eyes both widened and their mouth drop wide
” You want to eat lunch with us in the canteen ? ” Andy asked
” Yes, don’t you want it ” Edward replied
” No, it is not that, but you guys have never eaten or seen in the cafeteria, it is suprising” Lisa replied
” It wouldn’t be bad starting today with you baby ” Edward winked, Lisa almost melted
Jenny saw Jasmine going towards Brandon lounge, she clutched her fist hard and glare angrily, she gritted her teeth, her eyes is red with hatred
Susie and Camella and also scared, she is known for being vicious, but they hadn’t seen her this angry or this her other side
” You will soon be crying Jasmine once I am done with you ” She said evilly
Jasmine got there and twisted the door knob and entered inside
” Hi ” She said coming in fully
” Hi ” He waved back
” You look cute ” He said and cupped her cheeks tenderly, Jasmine chuckled lightly, feeling butterflies down her tummy, his touch her on her body is doing things different to her
” What took you so long in coming here ? ” He asked, more like scolding
” Are you seriously scolding me now cute Brandon ” She replied making cute faces
He bite on his lower lip, Jasmine saw it and almost melted
” Why did you have to be so cute ? ” He asked
” Coz I am Jasmine, the crazy b*tch ” She replied, winking at him
” Spoilt brat ” He said, opening the fridge
He took an apple out of it and bite slowly before facing Jasmine
” I am hungry Brandon ” She pouted
” did I look like a cook to you now huh ? ” He asked making faces
” You are wicked ” She said
He chuckled and stared at her cuteness, getting lost in the process
Jasmine used that advantage, she walked to him and snatched the apple from him and bite it immediately, his eyes widened and he tried collecting it back but she shifted away from him
” Gosh, Jasmine don’t do this to me, I need that apple, I am hungry, you can eat in the canteen, give it back ” He said, coming close
” No way ” She said and started running
Brandon chased after her, she continued eating the apple while stylishly making fun of him, she tried to pass the other side but Brandon is fast to pulled her
He lose his step and Jasmine collapsed on him, both of them falling on the couch, Jasmine on top of him, their lips so close
He stared at her tempting lips and swallowed nothing, he raised his hand to her face and started rubbing her cheeks ,Jasmine shivered as his breath brushes her neck, her heart is thumping so fast, she stared deep into his ocean eyes and saw lot of affection and love in his eyes, right now what is in her mind is to take this pink lips
She captured his lips hungrily, he immediately reciprocated it.
” I love you Jasmine, I can’t hide my feelings anymore” He said
” I love you the more Brandon ” She replied and made to kiss him again when she snapped out of her imagination,
She looked at Brandon who is having a surprise look on his face , she gasped as she saw herself on top of him
* It was all an imagination, gosh, sht”
Click 18 below to continue reading
By Terri Savage
Episode 38
Jasmine stood up awkwardly from his body, she shifted a little away from him out of shyiness, Brandon adjusted and sat up and moved close to her
” Thanks to you, I will go hungry ” He said shrugging
” You can eat in the cafeteria ” She replied simply
” What!!, I can’t eat in that place, I rather go hungry then, fk you Jasmine ” He said felling on the couch
” Fk you too ” She replied rolling eyes at him
Brandon chuckled and frowned before Standing up, he moved close to her and she moved back, he pulled her to himself and pinched her cheeks tenderly
Jasmine smiled and rolled her eyes cutely at him
” Can you follow me to the cafeteria ? ” She asked cutely and he immediately move away from her
” No, I can’t , you can go ahead ” He replied
” If you don’t follow me now, I will cry, what kind of friend are you huh ” She replied, sniffing already
” You are crying for real, okay I will come with you, ohhh Jasmine ” He groaned
Jasmine winked at him and he laughed
Cafeteria **
Michael and Selene are eating already, their faces is covered with smiles as they kept starring at each other non stop
” You are so sweet ” He said so r®mantic
” I know I am sweet that is why you couldn’t resist me ” She replied, smiling
” Yeah, I hope you are sweet down there too ? ” He asked naughtily
” Perv, when did you start talking dirty baby ? ” She asked cutely
” Since the day we started dating ” He replied, munching some chicken in his mouth
Edward and Lisa just entered the cafeteria followed by Bella with Andy
The students couldn’t controlled their bewilderment, in the history of the school they haven’t been seen in the cafeteria, it is suprising seeing them
?? Is that not Bella, what are they doing here??
?? Look at the way he is holding Andy
?? Are they dating already !!
?? Edward is dripping hot, I wish I am the one he is holding now
Andy looked at the way Bella is holding her hand, she smiled and leaned more closer to him
They both walked elegantly into the cafeteria and took separate tables
All eyes are on them, looks of surprise
” I can’t believe what I am seeing ” Selene said
” I can’t either, Bella and Edward in the cafeteria, wow, well love can do anything ” Michael replied
” You are right baby, that is why I can do anything for you “
” Same here baby ” He replied
” “
” I will have spaghetti ” Andy said immediately they settled down
” I will go with the same ” Bella said
The waitress nodded and left to get their orders
Bella and Andy eyes met, she bite on her bottom lip and looked away
Bella can’t stop looking at her tempting lips, she is looking so gorgeous and irresistible
” You are so beautiful ” He said
Andy heart skipped beat irregularly, she blushed and faced him
” Thanks you are the first guy to say that to me ” She said
Somehow he felt so glad he is the first to appreciate her beauty
The waitress brought their orders and placed it down on the table
” Enjoy the cafeteria meal ” She said
” I hope so ” He replied, taking a spoon of spaghetti into his mouth
” I don’t know meals here are also good ” Edward said
” Yeah, they are good, you have been missing out ” Lisa replied, chopping the spaghetti
” Eating together with you is the best ” He said silently but Lisa heard it
” What did you say ? ” She asked
” Uhh, it is nothing, by the way you look cute, can I take you out today ? ” He asked, concentrating on his meal
” That is a date right ? ” She asked
” Yes “
” Okay, agreed ” She said
Some minutes later **
Brandon and Jasmine walked into the cafeteria with Jasmine holding his hand
His face is full of smiles as he walked along side with her
The shock on the students faces can’t be compared to anything in the universe
? We kept getting surprises today
? What are they upto ??
? I can’t believe my eyes, am I really seeing Brandon ?
They began snapping pictures and even recording some videos , yunno another gist to post on the school blog
They took a table close to where Michael and Selene are sitting
Jasmine looked at Selene and winked at her which she returned it back
Michael waved at Brandon and he waved back
” Your sis boyfriend ” Jasmine said
” I know already, they are perfect, I am happy for her ” He replied
Brandon looked around and sighed, he can’t believe he is doing this, is this how love can make you go crazy
” What are you thinking ? ” Jasmine asked
” Nothing, I can’t just believe it that you lured me here ” He replied
” That is coz I am irresistible, sweet Brandon ” She said lovely
She placed an order and the waitress wasted no time in bringing it
” Won’t you eat ? ” She asked taking the fork
” No, I will watch you eat ” He replied folding his hand on his cheeks
” okay suit yourself ” She replied and began eating slowly
He couldn’t stopped himself from stealing glances at her, the way her mouth is moving as she is eating is so cute and adorable to him
Jasmine ate her food in silence not looking at Brandon though she felt his eyes looking at her, she got choked on her food and he quickly gave her a bottle of water
” Here, be careful crazy girl ” He said, she slowly took it and gulped it down
” Thank you ” She replied
Some particles of the food she is eating got stuck on her lips without her knowing
Brandon moved his hand to her lips and cleaned it off, She shivered as his hand made contact with her body
The students screamed taking more pictures, Jasmine started feeling uncomfortable with the kind of attention they are getting
” Can we leave, I am full already ” She said standing
” Okay ” He replied, standing up too
They both walked out of the cafeteria, interlocking hands together as everyone looked on
Jenny is coming into the cafeteria that moment, she frozed immediately she saw Jasmine and Brandon coming out of the cafeteria together
” Did he really came to the cafeteria with her ” She wondered
They both walked and passed her without saying a word to her
Jasmine turned back and gave her a mocking and daring look , which she wasted no time in returning it
She turned and looked at Jasmine again with hatred glaring in her eyes
In that moment, she felt someone presence, she turned and saw Shelton coming to the cafeteria with a happy face, he passed her not minding to spare her a glance
Jenny heart ache and she couldn’t pinpoint any meaning out of it
She looked on as he walked away with a hurtful heart before entering the cafeteria
After school **
Jasmine, Selene, Michael and Lisa followed by Lisa walked out of the class talking about some random stuffs
They kept on talking until they got closer to the school parking lot
Brandon, Bella and Edward are just coming in the school parking lot
Brandon flashed Jasmine a smile immediately he saw her, she smiled back at him waving her hand
” Don’t get your hand hang girl ” Andy said as she continued waving
” It is none of your business bch ” She scoffed
Edward took some steps towards where they are, looking at Lisa directly as he walked, right now her heart is jumping up excitedly
He got to her and took her aside
” Hope you will come ? ” He asked
” yes, I can’t miss it for anything ” She replied, making some doll puppy faces
” You are so cute , I will pick you up ” He said and made to go
” Wait you don’t have my number? Do you ” She asked and he stopped and turned back
” Yeah, you are right “
” Your phone ” She replied and he gave her his phone
She collected it and typed her number and gave it back to him
” See you then Eddy ” She waved as he left
Bella and Andy are busy stealing secret glances at each other
” I got to go now baby, just know I love you okay ” Selene said, holding Micheal hands
” I am missing you already ” He pouted
” Don’t miss me too much okay baby ” She replied and pecked him
” Hi girls, see ya tomorrow ” She said and ran, going to meet Brandon who is waiting for her, indirectly he is starring at Jasmine and that alone is giving him joy
” I can’t die of oppression, I gonna get myself a lover ” She scoffed, leaving with the others
Selene got to Brandon and he is still starring at her, without noticing her presence
” You want to bole holes on her body ? ” Selene asked bringing him out of his daydream
He smiled a little and faced her
” She will soon gonna be yours anyway ” She said and got in the car, he smiled before entering the car
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Episode 39
White cherries ??
Mabel entered into the restaurant, feeling nervous, the place is so expensive and well decorated, she wouldn’t mind sleeping on the floor, coz it is so neat and cool
” Will I be hired ? She asked herself
She looked around and went to the reception
” Hi miss ” she waved
” Hi Mrs, how can we help you ? ” The receptionist said
” I am here to apply for the post of a cook ” Mabel replied, the lady looked at her somehow before directing her to the interview section
Mabel knocked on the door before entering inside, she met a man of about 40 years with glasses on his face, writing something down
” Good day sir ” She said
” Good day Mrs, please have you seat ” He replied, looking up
Immediately his eyes met her, he chuckled and looked at her dispisable
Mabel drew out a chair and sat down
” You want to work as a cook here ? ” He asked icily
” Yes sir ” She replied
He scoffed before facing her fully, giving her questioning looks
Mabel shifted uncomfortable in the chair she is sitting on
” Why is he looking at me that way ” She wondered
” Are you a chef ? He asked
” No, I didn’t went to any chef school ” She replied
” This place is not a local restaurant, only people of high standards with so much education about cooking are employ here, mere looking at you , you are not fit for this job, I am sorry, you may have to look for another restaurant ” He said, tilting his head up
” Sir, I am begging you, I am good at cooking, I won’t disappoint you, just hired me please ” Mabel said pleadingly
” Did you have any working experience, I know you don’t have any, you are not qualified Mrs ” He said coldly
” Sir,, just give me a chance, you will like my cooking ” Mabel pleaded almost tearing up, this job will help her alot
” I can’t hire a local and unprofessional woman like to you to work here , now get out ” He said
Mabel immediately went on knees,
He stood up and looked at her then an evil plan came to his mind
He took a look at her flawless body, though she look tattered and not up to the way he expected, she still got a nice body, he smirked and move closer to her feeding his eyes at her body lu$tfully
” I will hire you but on one condition ” He said with the usual smirk
” What is it sir ? Mabel asked anxiously
” One night stand with me, that is all ” He replied
” What !! ” She said and stood up, glaring at him
” I can’t do that, I will better not work here than giving my body to a bastard like you ” She spatted angrily
” you leave me with no option but to send you out, now leave ” He replied
Mabel remained there glaring at him with pure disgust in her eyes
” Guards ” He yelled
Two guards immediately entered the office
” Take this woman out now ” He said
The guards held Mabel and started pulling her out of the restaurant roughly, she tried struggling with them but she was not a match for them
Brandon car halted in the front of the restaurant, he got down and walked into the restaurant
He saw the guards pulling Mabel out, he took pity on her immediately, he hate the way the are mishandling her
He started getting some blank memories like he has seen her some where before
” Stop ” He said
The guards stopped and turned to look at him
He walked to them and asked them to release Mabel
” Let her go now ” He said and they complied
” Hi Mrs ” He said
” Hi ” She replied
” What did you do wrong ? ” He asked
” I came over for a cook interview, the interviewer sent with out, that I am not qualified for the job and he asked for my .. ” Mabel replied sadly, but skipping the part he asked for her body, although she almost spilled it out
” Brandon ” The manager said as he is coming out of his office
” I want you to hire this woman here ” He said and the manager brows raised
” But, she is not up to the standard, look at how she is dressed, I can’t ” He said
” So you disqualified her just by her way of dressing, you didn’t even taste her Cooking ability to know if she is good right, that is harsh of you Jordan, you can’t just judge a book by it cover, I am disappointed at you “
As Brandon kept on talking, Mabel can’t help it but admired his gesture, she’s surprised at how he is handling the manager sht even though he didn’t knew her
” You are making this hard for me Brandon ” The manager said
” Really ?, Okay , let’s us do it this way, give her something to cook and if it is not delicious, then you can go ahead and do what you want ” He replied
That didn’t go well with him but he sighed and nodded, he can’t afford to lose important customers, he remembered how Brandon almost cost the restaurant to go down with just one post on the web
He can’t stand that again
” Okay ” He replied
He called an attendant over and asked her to direct Mabel to the kitchen
” Prepare spaghetti carbonara ( an Italian dish) ” He said with an evil smirk knowing she won’t be able to prepare it, since she didn’t study in any chef school
Few minutes later **
Brandon nose smelt an aroma so sweet and yummy, Mabel placed the bowl of spaghetti carbonara on the table and step aside
” Shall we ” He said
The manager gave her a questioning look before taking a spoon to taste it
He scooped it a little and put it in his mouth, he chewed and even as he hate to admit it , her cooking skills is extremely good more than the chefs he hired already
” So how is it? ” Brandon asked
” it is good, she is perfect ” He said, smiling unknowingly
” So she is hire right ? ” He asked
” Definitely, you can start working tomorrow ” He said and Mabel face brightened up
She held Brandon hands and thank him a lot before leaving happily
” Jasmine is a resemblance of her, are they related ” He thought
Jenny place **
Jenny watched the video countless times, fuming, she is watching the video posted on the school blog and the pictures, how Brandon wiped a stain on Jasmine lips
” I hate her a lot, why did you have to come to Winters high Jasmine, Brandon is mine, I am going to the competition with him and I will make sure I get him back, he is mine alone ” She screamed
Her phone rang, she picked it and frowned her face as she saw it is Chu hua calling
? Hi pretty ” He said
? Can we talk later, I am not in a good mood now ” She replied and wasted no time in cutting off the call
? Wow, what is wrong ? ” He asked
? What is your preparation about what I asked you to do for me ? ” She snapped
? I am working on it, I just found out she works in a pizza store, but once I get the full details, I will relate it to you ” He replied
? Better ” She said
? Everything is under my control, I love you ” He said and Jenny cut off the call immediately
She chuckled and hissed
“Idi®t , I am only doing this for my interest Chinese punk “
She stood up and went to her room
Edward and Lisa stepped into the garden holding hands as they moved alongside each other
The garden is known for lovers hanging out place, it is so cool with fresh air blowing around it with an exotic view
As they walked , Lisa is starring at him and imagining things already
” Wow, this place is so beautiful ” She said picking on the flowers
” They are beautiful just like you ” He replied
” Did you have to make me blush again ” She smiled
” I don’t mind doing it over and over again ” He replied, winking at her
” His wink ” she thought
They saw a bench and sat on it together, starring at the beautiful flowers
” This is the perfect place for lovers ” Lisa said facing him immediately, he look at her and she looked away immediately
He smiled and faced the other side
” yeah, it is the perfect place, I wish I can bring some one special like that here, ” He said
Lisa scoffed and looked at him with a frown
” And who is that person ? She asked
” You will know in due time, the person I will bring here is the one ” He replied, smiling
” Then why did you bring me here first ? ” She asked anxiously with a ounce of anger
” Coz you are special to me ” He said and her face brightened up immediately
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By Terri Savage
Episode 40
” Really ? ” Lisa asked, beaming with smiles on her face
” Yeah, you are so special to me ” He said, looking at her through the corner of his eye
” Why am I special ? She asked facing him
” Dunno, I just find you special, you know ” He winked
Lisa hearts skipped beats as he winked at her, she is just so happy right now that he find her special
” Can I ask you a question ? She asked
” Sure “
” Do you have a crush in school ? She asked, gazing at him
Edward stared at her for some few minutes contemplating whether to open up his feelings to her or not, he can’t deny it that he doesn’t love her
” I do ” He replied simply
” Who is that ? She asked expectantly, wishing in her mind she would be the one
” The person is someone so special to me, you will get to know the person very soon ” He replied and pinched her cheeks
She smiled at him and leaned on his shoulders, her stomach started making groaning sounds, she heard it but ignored, staying so close to him is what she wouldn’t want anything to interrupt the moment
Her stomach make the same sounds, Edward looked at her, holding her face up
” You are hungry right, let’s go for some junks foods ” He said
“Okay ” She replied, not really happy
He held her hand and led her out of the garden
Germany ?
Mrs Johnson kept hitting the food with her fork, eating slowly, her expression alone shows she is not happy
Her husband looked up and saw her expression, how she is punishing the innocent food
” Honey, what is wrong ? He asked
” I am not just happy with the way you’re planning to hook up Brandon with Mr Fernando daughter ” She said
” Why ? He asked
” What if he didn’t like her , are you going to force him ” She asked
” I am afraid yes, Mr Fernando is a good man and becoming family with him won’t be bad, I know our son will like her, so stop worrying yourself over nothing ” He replied
” I am having a bad feeling about this whole matter, I won’t sit and watch you enforce marriage on my son ” She replied, standing up and walking out
Mr Johnson looked on and sighed
” He will have no option but to do what I want, he is my son after all “
Bella place **
The car halted and Bella came out, he went to the other side and opened the car door, Andy smile coming down
She looked at the heavenly mansion in front of her and sighed
” Welcome to my house pretty ” Bella said
” Wow, this mansion is heavenly, you live here alone ? She asked
” Yeah, yunno my parents are always out of the country traveling for business trips ” He replied
” Are you the only child ? She asked
” Yes, enough of the question baby , let me take you in ” He held her hand and took her in
They got inside and Andy woah out an ” Oh”
” Don’t you find it boring living here all alone, I can’t see any maid around ” She said and Bella smiled
” I am used to it already, I do everything by myself, Ion need maids or servants ” He replied
” Oh gosh, I am freaking hungry now ” She said
” Then let’s cook together ” He said and she raised her brows
” What?? I .. don’t know how to cook perfectly ” She replied shly
” I will do the cooking while you watch, first let me tour you around
” Okay, but I need something to eat ” She pouted
” Okay , I got popcorn “
” Yeah ” She replied, standing
” This is my Gym section ” Bella said as they got in
Andy shortly look at him before going to check it out
She moved closer to the core home adjustable dumbbell set and tried to lift it up but failed
Bella chuckled behind her and she frown at him
” You can’t lift that , let’s go ” He said, pulling her out
” This is my kitchen ” He said
” Everything in here is so beautiful and expensive , I wanna see your room ” She said
” Okay, come on ” He grabbed her to his room
Andy eyes widened as they got to his room, everywhere is painted with beautiful different colors with golden frames hang neatly on the wall
” Your room is amazing Bella, I can’t get enough of the view ” She said, going to sit on the bed
” Mmmm, comfy bed, so soft and gentle ” She said looking at him
Bella stood beside the door admiring her beauty, the way her hair is floating as she check out his room is giving him different feelings, the gown is doing a great job too
Andy turned and caught him starring at her, she felt nervous and happy at the same time
” Hey ” She waved, bringing him to reality
” Ohh, uhh.. ” He said scratching the back of his head
” Time to cook ” She replied, pouting cutely
Bella swallowed hard, following her out of the room, they headed straight to kitchen
” What are we cooking ? She asked
” You got it wrong, what am I cooking ” He replied mockingly
” I hate you ” Andy replied
” And I find you amazing “
He put the pot on the gas cooker and pour some quantity of oil inside, he went to the freezer and took out fishes in a tray
” Fishes ” She screamed
” You like fried fish right ? He asked
” It is my favorite, you just know my taste ” She gushed happily
” Watch me cook okay ” He said, dipping a fish in the pot
The aroma hit her nose and she inhaled the sweet aroma
” The aroma is killing, can’t wait for the fish to be done ” She said, licking her bottom lip
Bella turned that moment and caught her licking her lips making it more wetter and so attractive, he stared for a while and took his eyes away
” You are cute , hope you know that ” He said, turning the fishes
Andy cheeks reddened in obvious blush, she smiled cutely and nodded like a baby
” I know, coz you have said that to me so many times ” She replied
She watched him keenly as he fried the fishes, the way he handled the spoon and he is turning the fishes is just so perfect,
” I am glad for coming here Bella, I love you ” She said in her mind
” Uhh, Who teach you how to cook so perfectly ? ” She asked, going to stay close to him
He looked at their closeness and inhaled her cologne
” My ex girlfriend ” He said sadly
” Wow, why did you guys broke up ? ” She asked
Bella turned and gave her a * I don’t wanna talk about it*
” Okay fine, I am sorry for asking “
” It is nothing, just keep quiet and watch me ” He said, pinching her nose
” Why did you like pinching my nose ? ” She asked
” Cos, they’re cute ” He replied, smiling
He took out five fishes from the pot and put it in a plate, Andy salivated as she stared at them, they are so irresistible and she wanna have a taste
” Can I have a taste huh? ” She asked
” No, until I am done ” He replied
” You are wicked, the view is killing me ” She pouted
” It is still no, ” He replied and winked at her
Andy couldn’t took it anymore, she went closer to the plate and took a fish
” What!!, give it back ” Bella said, laughing
” No way, ” She replied and ran out
” She is just so lively to be with “
She ate the first one and sneaked into the kitchen back without Bella notice, she took another fish and tried running out but Bella caught and started chasing her
” You are crazy, you can’t cook but you wanna finish the fishes right ” He said, still running after her
” You can’t oppress me with this sweet fish, catch me if you can ” She said, running and eating the fish
She took just some few steps and mistakenly hit her leg on a box, she tripped and was about falling down, when Bella hurriedly caught her in his arms, she turned her face and their eyes met, both began staring at each other
Andy melted in his arms, all she can see now is his luscious lips, having a taste of it won’t be bad
Bella held her so delicate like an egg that would break any moment if it’s not handle properly
He stared down at her lips which is so close to him
Andy swallow hard waiting for his next move, Bella surprisedly captured her lips and began kssing her
Her eyes widened as he took her by surprise, but slowly she began kssing him back, he held her in his arms and made her sat on his laps while he sat on the couch, Andy body twitch as his hand went to her bum
” Bella ” She m*an out softly
She kssed him back savouring the taste of his lips, she dipped her hands into his hair stroking it gently
Bella caressed every part of her body, sending shivers down her spine
They kssed for almost five minutes, when Bella smelt a burning aroma and came back to his senses
” The fish ” He said and Andy immediately stood up from his body
They both ran to the kitchen
**** Nights
” I want ice cream baby ” Naomi said as she sighted an ice cream shop beside the road
” What! ice cream by this time ? ” Shelton asked
” Yes, I want it now ” She replied, pouting
” Oh gosh, you are so Stubborn ” He said and parked beside the ice cream shop
Naomi got down and joined the queue, it took a while cos the line was kinda long, when it was her turn, she ordered for 5bowls of it, the seller package it and is about giving it to her, when her hands met with someone, she turned and saw James, shock is clearly written over her face, he is the least person she expected to see
James looked at her with a sorry look and before he could said a word to her, she ran away leaving her ice cream
He tried going after her but stopped as she got inside the car
Her heart is palpating right now, she is feeling some how, seeing James has just remained her of her past, tears are already threatening to fall from her eyes
” What is wrong baby ? ” Shelton asked as she got in the car
she is tensed up right now
” Just take me home please ” She said slowly
” Are you sure you are alright ” He asked, touching her cheeks tenderly, she smiled at him nodding
” I am fine please take me home ” She said
Bella felt she is not okay but decided not to asked her so many questions, so he just drove away
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